

  • Sorry for the remix but there's a distance between saying that art is meannigful for those who make it vs. it being meaningful to the rest of the society. We're not at a point in society where everyone has equal access to the privilege and luxury of making art, therefore, the benefits of such as still limited, regardless of how much POTENTIAL may exist.

    I also think many would disagree with the idea that the more art being produced is necessarily an improvement for society. I don't know enough about art history to back this up or not but I'd presume that some of the most artistically rich periods in human history do not necessarily coincide with the most democratically accessible means to art-making.

    Odub, there is a reason I followed up with "in my opinion". Indeed there is a difference between the individual and society, yet society is made up of individuals. I believe the process of art creation, not the end creation itself, is beneficial for all people and therefore also the society they reside/participate in.

    I understand that we don't have an agreed upon definition of Art, but here goes. If any society has the most access, luxury, and priviledge to produce art it is the US of A. I would also posit that Art can be made from anything. Remember, you have poetry, song, drawing, painting, sculpture, "found objects", environments, etc., including my personal favorite, performance Art.

    I would also agree that just because you make Art doesn't mean it needs to be shown to others. However, it is usually a lot more interesting if it is.


  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Kiss of death?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I don't wanna re-read this thread again today to see if he was mentioned, but I was thinking about it while driving around (yes, I think about SS threads while driving around, scary, I know...) and wish to nominate Roger McGuinn.

  • hhahaahaha

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Kiss of death?

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts


  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
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