Hood Czech: Long Beach, CA

So yo - I might take a job down in Long Beach: yeah, that's right, I'm about to get all professorial (this will likely astound many) down at CSU. I've never spent time in Long Beach though. What's hot? What's not? Will Ein let me buy all his discarded library records off him?Will I be forced to endure countless "so...you hang with Snoop in the LBC or what?" jokes?
Forget that then! I'm staying in the Yay.
man i need to revisit that snl skit again.
I think CSU Long Beach has an internet only radio station... they've got the nicest Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles. that is all i know.
damn! I was searching for that JPG before i put up the text!
S.D. the main problem is housing. i rent a 1 br apt. for 1000 a month but its pretty big.
if you are looking to buy we have the whole spectrum of neighborhood types.
2 br house would go for between 425k-1mill depending on the hood. 2br condo between 300k and 500k. so rent and mortgage is tough. all types of food,shopping,entertainment,etc. and most importantly. bagatelle. pm if you have any questions. peace, stein. . .
Plaese to roomies w/ODub, Mrs. ODub, and Mini-dub.
Owner is very very cool but you wont find too much here anymore. ive been to the back of the store several times when hes got new stuff in and havent found much.
some other record joint on 4th street
recently drove out to costa mesa to peep a new store called nerdboy
OC record show at buena park
this is your best bet
however as years go by less and less is to be found here as well.
no rasputin, groove merchant, groove yard etc.
dont mean to sound to harsh but dont move here for the records.
If you do decide to make the the move feel free to hit me up ive got some doubles for the trade
all $2- $6:
sea dog - sea dog
ron geesin/roger waters - the body
creation - super rock in the highest voltage(braek)
tommy boyce & bobby hart - wonder what shes doing tonite
booty green - pray to booty
american metaphysical circus - s/t
soul monster - v/a bootleg wolfman jack comp.
kitty and the heywoods - love shock
tyrone davis - s/t
herbie mann - windows opened
group therapy - 37 minutes
fever tree - another time another place
edwin starr - s/t/
bo grumpus - before the war
if you want to really really come up go to the cypress swatmeet on valley view sat and sun
morning at 6am i promise you you will get good stuff. peace, stein. . .
As far as records, Bagatelle. There's other places that get goodies in like Dizzies but not as consistently. I've always walked away from there happy. The trick is not to go in with a want list, just go in and dig, get to know the owners and they'll be hookin you up in no time. Steve's a good guy and know's how to price to sell. Fingerprints is O.K., I used to work there so I'm pretty biased, it's a good store if you're looking for everything and not just beats and what not, they try to cover all the bases. Otherwise hit up Goat Hill in Costa Mesa or Stacks in Cerritos. That's pretty much it for records without going to L.A.
CSULB is a good school and they run an FM Jazz format station out of there that has a pretty decent Latin show on Friday nights.
Basically it's a great place cuz you're not in L.A. and you're not in the O.C., it's a comfy middle ground with the best of both worlds. Plus right now it's like 75 degrees!
Of course I gotta sing the praises cuz I grew up there.
Oh yeah, the beaches suck.
LB seems cool to me. Anyplace with good weather year around is paradise. It's all I need.
'Sup Stein, you gonna be at The Que Sera Saturday?
peace, stein. . .
Japan eh? If you're in Osaka you should hit up Rodi, he says he's gonna start up a band with the dude who runs a record shop called Caliente out there. Supposed to have some niceness in there. Happy Holidays to you as well!
There was an A.B.C. thread a couple months ago.
I never hung with E-40. He's up in Richmond. More accurate would be...
A question I should have asked:
Where are good places to live (with a young child) down in or around Long Beach? One of my main concerns is that I know, by the harbor, the air quality is supposedly horrendous - asthma rates are off the chart in some parts. I know ZERO about that whole part of Los Angeles, though I know some of the other faculty at the school live in places like Torrance and Seal Beach.
Any neighborhoods you'd recommend? As well as recommend against?
bixby knolls
signall hill
belmont shore
belmont heights
california heights
college park
traffic circle areas
downtown(some awesome lofts)
state college area
carrol park
west side(dont even go there)
north long beach(aka rancho compton)
anywhere near anaheim street BAD.
torrance all good. about 10 min drive to csulb on 405 frwy
cerritos all good. about 10 min drive to csulb on 605 frwy
seal beach all good. about 15 min drive from csulb on 22 frwy
san pedro i love pedro but there could be some air quality issues due to constant flow of trucks and water vessles. there is some really nice areas called miraleste i think.
palos verdes is the bomb but quite expensive. and about 30 min drive to csulb.
redondo and hermosa beach are very nice about 20 min drive on 405 frwy
lakewood is also very nice it's the next city north of lb about 15 min drive to csulb.
harbor city
peace, stein. . .
p.s. sorry if i dissed anyones hood.
peace, stein. . .
That was a great post, I feel like I'm ready to go househunting in the Long Beach area myself
It seems many times you can read all sorts of info on a place on the Internet, but all you really need is about 5 or 10 minutes with someone of a like mindset that lives in the area where you want to be.