grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
edited December 2005 in Strut Central
last question! i promise. hey, when do i ever ask questions here? never, that's when. and here i am answering all your damn questions about male prostitutes and sammiches and shit but noooooo no answers for poor old shig. well im not having it thank you.anyways, any of you dudes use flash? cuz im trying to fade out some text on a flash movie im co creating with my friend leilani, dont worry, she's a man. anyways, he/she wants the text to fade which i can do on like fcp or premiere or something but im a dumdum on flash so plaese to help me fade out my text on flash. yes! and i will love you forever!!! and you will have the most awesomest xmas and get all the gifts you ask jesus and santa for. i promise. i'll pull some strings. ok thanks


  • Did you figure it out yet?
    I think there are many ways to accomplish that.
    I am not a flash pro by any means. I have to reinstall the program to play with it but have you tried messing with the transparencies at various stages of the timeline? I think you just set up various different timelines so that your background runs the whole time and then your title (or whatever) only runs for the first half etc.. Sorry I guess I can't help you really but I wanted to so bad after reading your message. Good luck!

  • Flashkit tutorials text effects
    This site has heaps of tutorials on how to do some wicked flash effects
    But even easier download the FLA files over 100 text effects and simply change the text.
    text effects

    Simply save the FLa files to your hard drive open them in flash and add your own text to them.Very cool site with alot of flash info to share
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