Mondy, Twosdy, etc.....
1,575 Posts
Whats the deal with people who refuse to pronounce the "a" in the suffix of the days of the week?
how do you guys always find the perfect pics from any movie?
Leave me alone. I pay to post here and I dont appreciate everyone making smart-aleky comments in my threads!!!!
She also says woof instead of wolf and crick instead of creek. And scootchy means "scoot over". She grew up in Idaho though, so there ya go.
My lack of tech savvy keep me from posting a pic of the Mid-Western lady from MadTV. Can anyone oblige me?
Shut up and go worsh your clothes. After you re-shingle the ruff.
i love you
She says warsh as well as Warshington.
my gram calls a rotwieler a "rockwilder".
That's actually kind of cool. Rotweiler sounds like a sausage. Rockwilder sounds like this...