any cd/record store clerks notice....

parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
edited December 2005 in Strut Central
Alot of people selling the following "used" cd's lately- new Dave Matthewsnew Paul McCartneynew Tracy Chapmannew Sheryl Crowboth new Bob Dylan releasesI Believe to my Soul comp.Ray CharlesAmos LeeAntigone Risingis this happening throughout the U.S.?Any strutters work at starbucks? get my drift?


  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Alot of people selling the following "used" cd's lately-

    Amos Lee

    Amos is Blue Note Records' answer to John Mayer. I can't blame anyone for wanting to cut that CD loose.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    I used to work at a cd store about 7 years ago. We kept a list in front of the counter that stated would would not buy (something like the following):

    Matchbox 20
    Better than Ezra
    Sherl Crow
    Green Day
    Toad the Wet Sprocket
    Days of the New
    2 Pence None the Richer

    and people would still try to pawn off that shit.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Alot of people selling the following "used" cd's lately-

    Amos Lee

    Amos is Blue Note Records' answer to John Mayer. I can't blame thiefs for wanting to cut that CD loose.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    2 Pence None the Richer

    hahaha! remember the90's

    Chumbawamba anyone (they have a new release coming up )

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Green Day

    I've been working at a used CD store for five years, and GD has gradually increased over that time to become a top seller once again... they're practically on a U2 or Red Hot Chili Peppers level at this point...

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    I used to work at a cd store about 7 years ago. We kept a list in front of the counter that stated would would not buy (something like the following):

    Matchbox 20
    Better than Ezra
    Sherl Crow
    Green Day
    Toad the Wet Sprocket
    Days of the New
    2 Pence None the Richer

    and people would still try to pawn off that shit.

    We're training a new employee right now. He bought a few Yanni titles and a Vanessa Williams cd the other day. 5 dollars we will never get back, lol.

  • Yeah I get what you mean. I have a friend who works there, says it's very easy to disappear with a handful of those and sling em to stores that aren't going to get them otherwise. I had a dude come into the shop I work at to sell some, of course we bought em no questions asked, Starbucks ain't showing us no love. Fuck all those corporate companies buying exclusive titles from labels, squeezing out the little indie stores. It's bullshit.

    I will never feel sorry for Starbucks, they tried to put my local coffee shop out of business a couple years back. The local shop (been around for 25 years at that point) responded with a ad campaign and gave away bumper stickers saying "best coffe NOT from seattle". Basically gave the finger to them and the neighborhood rallied aroung them in support. Still there to this day doing good business with a Starbucks less than a block away.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    2 Pence None the Richer

    hahaha! remember the90's

    Chumbawamba anyone (they have a new release coming up )

    You know, as annoying as their music was they had an interesting philosophy. Everyone in the group was paid the exact same. From the tamborine shaker to the engineer. Also, they sold one of their songs to McDonalds or something for a commercial. Then used 100% of the money they recieved and gave it to a vegitartian organization.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Green Day

    I've been working at a used CD store for five years, and GD has gradually increased over that time to become a top seller once again... they're practically on a U2 or Red Hot Chili Peppers level at this point...

    Yup. I used to always have as many copies of "dookie" as say R.E.M. "monster". Now I can't keep it on the shelf, shit sells quick.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    2 Pence None the Richer

    hahaha! remember the90's

    Chumbawamba anyone (they have a new release coming up )

    You know, as annoying as their music was they had an interesting philosophy. Everyone in the group was paid the exact same. From the tamborine shaker to the engineer. Also, they sold one of their songs to McDonalds or something for a commercial. Then used 100% of the money they recieved and gave it to a vegitartian organization.

    yeah not a fan of their music, but some of the things they did was nice.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    Yeah I get what you mean. I have a friend who works there, says it's very easy to disappear with a handful of those and sling em to stores that aren't going to get them otherwise. I had a dude come into the shop I work at to sell some, of course we bought em no questions asked, Starbucks ain't showing us no love. Fuck all those corporate companies buying exclusive titles from labels, squeezing out the little indie stores. It's bullshit.

    I will never feel sorry for Starbucks, they tried to put my local coffee shop out of business a couple years back. The local shop (been around for 25 years at that point) responded with a ad campaign and gave away bumper stickers saying "best coffe NOT from seattle". Basically gave the finger to them and the neighborhood rallied aroung them in support. Still there to this day doing good business with a Starbucks less than a block away.

    I have two starbucks within 3 blocks of my apartment (and there each on the same street too). Although, thats not as bad as the one in Houstin, isnt there two directly accross the street from another?

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Yeah I get what you mean. I have a friend who works there, says it's very easy to disappear with a handful of those and sling em to stores that aren't going to get them otherwise. I had a dude come into the shop I work at to sell some, of course we bought em no questions asked, Starbucks ain't showing us no love. Fuck all those corporate companies buying exclusive titles from labels, squeezing out the little indie stores. It's bullshit.

    I will never feel sorry for Starbucks, they tried to put my local coffee shop out of business a couple years back. The local shop (been around for 25 years at that point) responded with a ad campaign and gave away bumper stickers saying "best coffe NOT from seattle". Basically gave the finger to them and the neighborhood rallied aroung them in support. Still there to this day doing good business with a Starbucks less than a block away.

    I am happy that your business is continuing

    A scary thought with these trend setting MNC's. If you can see the hipster lifestyle as the new thing to capitalize on this could lead to fucked up situations.

    Take american apparel they are a wholesome company IMO but there is no denying the hipster thing.

    Now starbucks selling cd's of "cool" music (good thing there selection up to now is wack expect for ray charles why?!) or making their own comps ala buddah bar or cafe whatever. They can start dictating what is hip and people can wear an aber&finch pink shirt as they sip on an overpriced mochasoy latte and check outthe cd's.

    I guess this is nothing new though

  • Alot of people selling the following "used" cd's lately-

    new Dave Matthews
    new Paul McCartney
    new Tracy Chapman
    new Sheryl Crow
    both new Bob Dylan releases
    I Believe to my Soul comp.
    Ray Charles
    Amos Lee
    Antigone Rising

    is this happening throughout the U.S.?

    Any strutters work at starbucks? get my drift?

    Here it's been like this lately:

    Every record that was hot 5 minutes ago and completely igloo now such as:

    The Game
    50 Cent
    Sheryl Crow
    D4l - people are over it already. Piles of promos coming back.
    Bob Dylan
    Lil Jon
    Slim Thug

    the list is endless -

    but always a steady supply of Eagles GH and Steve Miller GH.

  • 2 Pence None the Richer

    It's actually Six Pence None The Richer.....

    the guitarist lives here and is a closet lover of all things funky. He hired me to DJ his Halloween party and I didn't know who he was before taking the gig so I charged him about a lot less than if I knew what the deal was.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    2 Pence None the Richer

    hahaha! remember the90's

    Chumbawamba anyone (they have a new release coming up )

    You know, as annoying as their music was they had an interesting philosophy. Everyone in the group was paid the exact same. From the tamborine shaker to the engineer. Also, they sold one of their songs to McDonalds or something for a commercial. Then used 100% of the money they recieved and gave it to a vegitartian organization.

    They just first came to mind. But i guess they are a good adult group. Also there song was used for a world cup or something. Good decisions in the situation there in. respect

  • Yeah I get what you mean. I have a friend who works there, says it's very easy to disappear with a handful of those and sling em to stores that aren't going to get them otherwise. I had a dude come into the shop I work at to sell some, of course we bought em no questions asked, Starbucks ain't showing us no love. Fuck all those corporate companies buying exclusive titles from labels, squeezing out the little indie stores. It's bullshit.

    I will never feel sorry for Starbucks, they tried to put my local coffee shop out of business a couple years back. The local shop (been around for 25 years at that point) responded with a ad campaign and gave away bumper stickers saying "best coffe NOT from seattle". Basically gave the finger to them and the neighborhood rallied aroung them in support. Still there to this day doing good business with a Starbucks less than a block away.

    I have two starbucks within 3 blocks of my apartment (and there each on the same street too). Although, thats not as bad as the one in Houstin, isnt there two directly accross the street from another?

    Don't know about Houston, this happened in Long Beach about 5 years ago.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    2 Pence None the Richer

    hahaha! remember the90's

    Chumbawamba anyone (they have a new release coming up )

    You know, as annoying as their music was they had an interesting philosophy. Everyone in the group was paid the exact same. From the tamborine shaker to the engineer. Also, they sold one of their songs to McDonalds or something for a commercial. Then used 100% of the money they recieved and gave it to a vegitartian organization.

    yeah not a fan of their music, but some of the things they did was nice.

    You don't exactly stumble upon alliteration like "bearded barley" every day; "Kiss Me" is probably as good lyrically as mainstream pop radio has gotten in years. Just saying. Hallmarky and milquetoasty, but competently so.

    But that name has got to go.

  • Yeah I get what you mean. I have a friend who works there, says it's very easy to disappear with a handful of those and sling em to stores that aren't going to get them otherwise. I had a dude come into the shop I work at to sell some, of course we bought em no questions asked, Starbucks ain't showing us no love. Fuck all those corporate companies buying exclusive titles from labels, squeezing out the little indie stores. It's bullshit.

    I will never feel sorry for Starbucks, they tried to put my local coffee shop out of business a couple years back. The local shop (been around for 25 years at that point) responded with a ad campaign and gave away bumper stickers saying "best coffe NOT from seattle". Basically gave the finger to them and the neighborhood rallied aroung them in support. Still there to this day doing good business with a Starbucks less than a block away.

    I am happy that your business is continuing

    A scary thought with these trend setting MNC's. If you can see the hipster lifestyle as the new thing to capitalize on this could lead to fucked up situations.

    Take american apparel they are a wholesome company IMO but there is no denying the hipster thing.

    Now starbucks selling cd's of "cool" music (good thing there selection up to now is wack expect for ray charles why?!) or making their own comps ala buddah bar or cafe whatever. They can start dictating what is hip and people can wear an aber&finch pink shirt as they sip on an overpriced mochasoy latte and check outthe cd's.

    I guess this is nothing new though

    You know, it's not a big deal I suppose if they're just taking standard titles and selling them in thier shop, who cares if they turn over a couple Dave Matthews records or some Ray Charles? It bugs me when they get exclusive titles from record companies that have no intention of selling them to the indie stores they use to break their new & unknown signings. They expect the indie stores to be an integral part of breaking this new band but they'll license an exclusive Dylan title to Starbucks? Kinda shitty.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    There was actually a Starbucks sandwiched in between like 3 independent local coffee shops in my town that TANKED... which as far as I know is a rare thing... I was proud. There was some punk rock grafitti on the side immediately after but I can't remember what it said

    Now there's a hookah bar in that location

  • There was actually a Starbucks sandwiched in between like 3 independent local coffee shops in my town that TANKED... which as far as I know is a rare thing... I was proud. There was some punk rock grafitti on the side immediately after but I can't remember what it said

    Now there's a hookah bar in that location

    Word, I love hearing that shit. The record shop I used to work at cleaned off all the corporate music shops on our street. We closed a Wherehouse Music store (not too hard, they're always claiming Bankrupt) and forced Pennylane to stoop to renting DVD's before closing shop. Also shut down the last Wherehouse in the area this year. Kinda nice knowing that people actually prefer the little guy.
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