Brazilian psych, whats really good?

I know of Os Mutantes, Gal Costas first albums and Caetano Veloso's albums , but what are other great Brazilian psych bands? I can say I like Os Lobos, and have been kicking myself in the ass for not picking up a copy of the Miragem LP at Academy some time ago. I saw the Os Panteras LP at WFMU earlier in the month but dude wanted $180 and I am not ballin' like that yet. What are other stuff you all like?Also, is tropicalia portugese for psychadelia, or is is it just psych music with brazilian touches?
what about these dudes?
Psych or the Brazilian Kiss?
These dudes are excellent. Their first album IMO is better but can't lose with that one either.
I have a copy of the former at the shop right now, stop down if you want to check it out.
Tropicalia is generally Brazilian rock/pop with heavy US/UK influences, which because the movement was late 60's/early 70's has psychedelic influences. The word "Tropicalia" is not a translation of "psychedelia".
Not up too much on the obscure stuff, but I will cosign on Os Mutantes, Veloso, Gal Costa, and especially all Gilbert Gil from that era...
I was actually paying homage to your handle, as he arranged that whole album.
Naw, but seriously, Sandro is slick...
word up, plaese to hold, I'll be in on Friday or Saturday for sure, a.k.a. just got paid!
Pulled it for you. See ya then!
It's a nice one.
I think Tropicalia was just a term slapped on for the sake of separating themselves from the "old gaurd" of the music scene of the day. By the way, the groups above weren't really part of the Tropicalia scene, some came after the initial movement. Though I heard Novos Bahianos used to run with the Os Mutantes guys.
Check for others, in fact just get lost on this site, so much info there.
Although people always refer to Tropicalia as a musical movement, it's more than this; it also encompasses fine arts (painting & sculptures - Helio Oiticica, Ligia Clark), literature/poetry (Torquato Neto, Waly Salom??o), cinema, tv shows, etc.
Obviously, music is its most known aspect; and it's not restrained to rock/pop with heavy US/UK influences only, you can hear influences of romantic & corny music, latin (bolero, guarania), and classical music too. It's all present in the most known Tropicalia LPs.
Agreed, its definitely not some psychfuzz freakout. The album is very sparse and subdued, but I feel it's what gives the record that special quality. I???ll up a few tracks when I get home. The reissue is out of print, but they pop up on the bay from time to time
No, sir. What's it like?
I would compare it to Secos E Molhados... rock stuff with a soulful touch to it.
I'll keep an eye out.
You're right, he is a brazilian singer.
It's kinda surprising see Paulo Sergio's record on SS. Everything I know from him (and it's not this much) is romantic crap music; I can??t remember listening to something from him that is pop/rock.
He is in the same vein as Roberto Carlos, i.e, romantic and untasteful music for brainless people (
Anyway, I'll keep my eyes open for his records from now on.
Live & learn!
this is the best record ever. ever.
go to 3:47 mark kinda psych beat with a smidge of funkyness.
Gerson Conrad was a member of Secos & Molhados (acoustic guitar and vocals).
links not working for me, thanks though, and thanks to everyone else too
It's working for me without problem.
Anyway, copy & paste:
Btw, turn on your pop-up block cos' the site is full of this sh!t.
Hey BigSpliff
Many thanks for the link & mix; I'm listening to it right now. Nice job!
That Paulo Sergio's track is on Jovem Guarda style, like the stuff Roberto Carlos made in the mid 60's & early 70's.
As I said before, I'll keep an eye for his stuff.
Thanks, again.
P.S. [little dude move] Any change you post the track list, please? [/little dude move]
Arthur Verocai
Modulo 1000 (Amazing LP, but good luck getting an original.) Get the reissue instead. Even that at times commands $100, but I would go no higher than $50.
Jorge Ben
Well put Moogman. The name Tropicalia was a fusion of tropical with psychedelia. It's not a portugese word, but it was created by Lu??s Carlos Barreto. Not inteded to replace psychedelia, but to be it's own movement of opinionated brazil embracing the electric guitar and criticizing there own culture. Alot of the main artists were mentioned in this thread, but a few main ones were skipped:
Tom Z??, Maria bathania (Caetano's sister), Torquato Neto, Rog??rio Duprat.
Also many artists who were Bossa, samba or something else, and dabbled in tropicalia:
Nara Le??o, Marcos Valle, Jorge Ben, Elis Regina,Edu Lobo, Ed Lincoln, all the gilbertos..
In fact there were quite a few artists from and after this era that were psychedelic, but did not fully associate with Tropicalism.
Bango, Modulo 1000, O Terco, and so on..
Also, much props to the guitarists of said tropicalia bands. Such as my favorite:
Lanny Gordin of Brazillian octopus.
- spidey (no sabadabadoo)