Motorhead....Are playing live in 30 mins....
549 Posts
Hey I don???t really know much about Motorhead.But there playing close to hear in about 30 mins and its in a place where I can usually blag my way in free.Are they any good (I know Ace Of Spades and that???s it) and are they a good live?
Yeah, what he said!
when i was a kid i always said i wanted to name my first son lemmy.
i didn't tho
Go, support Lemmy's slot machine habit.
Fucking great. They killed it with every song, and the performance of Overkill was
go, Go, GO!!
Shit was LOUD.
Got my blag on so it was all good (wifey tells me I shouldn???t be scaming the door at 34 years old though).
Mixed crowd from young rock dudes to old as hell dudes with ZZ Top style beards.
The mosh was off the hook, maybe wearing the Yoji Yamanoto wasn???t such a good idea???.Obliviously .But I came out alright.
Shit was OK but honestly I didn???t now any of the songs so that isn???t a good start.
Ace Of Spades was nuts though , and for a Tuesday night it was rather splendid. Tuesdays are always weak in my town.
That's when it's MOST admirable.
Oh, and sorry we forgot to mention, Motorhead is maybe the loudest band on the planet, pound for pound. Shoulda brought earplugs.