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  • edubedub 715 Posts
    Just found out that Prop 73 would have changed the wording in the constitution for the definition of a fetus. Check this - an aborted fetus would have been "a child conceived but not yet born"[/b]... this is some slippery slope shitt, and I'm so glad it didn't pass... I voted against it on the grounds that it was some bullshit to begin with... but how many knew about the fine print about changing the wording in the state constitution???

    Why and how does Proposition 73 change the state constitution?

    The California Supreme Court has already ruled that parental notification laws are unconstitutional because they violate young women???s right to privacy and threaten their health. Proposition 73 is an attempt by well-funded anti-choice extremists to circumvent the courts. Because it is a constitutional amendment???and only needs to win with 50% + 1 of the vote???legal challenges are not an option. It also amends the constitution to define abortion as "the use of any means to terminate the pregnancy of an unemancipated minor female known to be pregnant with knowledge that the termination with those means will, with reasonable likelihood, cause the death of the unborn child, a child conceived but not yet born.[/b]"


    Two governorships formerly occupied by Democrats have now been won by ... democrats.

    net gain of ...,, caryy the 2 ...... ZERO.

  • edubedub 715 Posts

    In Virginia, Democratic Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine won the governor's race, defeating Republican Jerry Kilgore, a former state attorney general, despite a late-minute appearance on Kilgore's behalf Monday by President Bush.

    any republican up for re-election in '06 is gonna hope Bush doesn't publicly endorse them...
    it is now officially

    In CA, it was not so much the faults of the propositions themselves, as it was the opposition to Arnold, as well as the Republican agenda, which resulted in their defeat.


    the article is basically the same as most in terms of arnold's current bad looks and speculating future bad looks for the governor after his initiatives failed, but this has to be my favorite part of the whol article:

    Many of the problems were of Schwarzenegger's own making, from talking about "kicking the butts" of California nurses to letting his opponents make the election a referendum on the governor, rather than on the ideas embodied in his ballot initiatives.

    haha, i had no idea that he talked about 'kicking the butts' of nurses! what a fool
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