breakself+gambit+dj_pi=soul:funk night,nov.12@macs

After a great first night we hope to repeat....breakself, gambit, dj_pi present Soul:Funk night @ MACS bar in Lansing.Satruday, Nov. 12 from 11pm - 2amIf you're in the area, come out and get down to the funky sound.Japanese gangsters will be present.

still deciding between this and chicago.
or i might not go at all.
who knows.
It'd be dope if you came out but whatever you decide is cool. We're hoping for a good night and got some local we'll see how it turns out.
U mad doggie?
hollahollahollaholla when you get there!
There may be a pre-funk party convening spot. I'll post it here once details are finalized. The Japanese Gangsters will need their sauce.
no, i dont even know him.
Doc...give breakself a chance!
Sup SoulHawk
Just got wrote up in the Lansing City Pulse with pictures. gambit steals the cake with a picture of him holding up his shoes. I have no recollection of when that happened that night.
Funk Night 2 finally drops the other funky shoe
???Funk Night Volume 2???
11 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 1s
Mac???s Bar
2700 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing
$3, 21 and over
(517) 485-6795
By Emily Ransom
After a two-month absence, Mac???s Bar is bringing back the embryonic phenomenon known as Funk Night.
Fathered by DJ_pi, Paul Karatsinides, DJ Breakself, Aaron Anderson and GAMBIT the MC, Hubert Sawyers II, the first edition of Funk Night back in September turned out to be the seed for many a Lansingite looking to cut loose. The infectious funk and soul issued forth by both dj???s came in the form of 45???s, (for those unaware, a 45 is a 7??? record that revolves at 45 revolutions per minute). GAMBIT???s silver tongue sustained the energetic audience with creative and capricious lyrical ruminations. ???I???m a Japanese gansta??? was one of GAMBIT???s catch phrases that kept the evening unconventional.
This Saturday???s funk night will once again showcase the skills of DJ_pi, Breakself and GAMBIT the MC as well as the ass-shaking aptitude of funk music fanatics.
Last time, the dance floor was the tramp of the night as good dancers, bad dancers and breakdancers showed it what-for. As GAMBIT says, ???everyones got that rhythm, white, black, yellow, green and brown.???
???It [funk night] gets the people down, punk kids, rock kids, they all come out to dance, and a lot of people sample funk,??? says GAMBIT. Sampling is the technique of taking a excerpt from one sound recording and reusing it as an element of a new recording. At Funk Night there is a ???name that tune??? recognition factor as you hear correlations to modern music.
If you missed the gyrating hordes of humid bodies at Funk night last time, don???t miss a single sweaty splatter when the funk hits the fan this Saturday.
dawg, it aint even like that. Its just what I do.
I'm glad you're coming through man. Bring some of those rekkidz you got to trade/sell too. I may be interesting at hollering at some.
cant wait to see you. YOu dont know the first thing about what I do. People need to not take message boards to serious man.
and "Doc" is one person. Dont use "they". Thanks.
no i dont know you, which is why I didnt make any assumptions.
Gasp! I have a real life in the real world too! yay for us!
i didnt take anything in any direction. I WAS FUNNIN!
you check is in the mail
I think we were at a disadvantage with the 11pm start time. Hopefully we can get a full night on the next go'round.
Special shout to BreakSelf and Pi... always a pleasure fellas.
Yeah, Gambit mentioned that your kid was feeling ill, that's a shame. Hope he's feeling better now...earaches used to be the worst!
I had a great time drinking free beer and yelling at the crowd, though, as Gambit said, fewer people than last time. Still, a respectable turn out for sure.
Hope you can make it to the next one...whenever that is.
no he is not feeling better. He is going to need tubes.
The next one should be some weekend in december as long as it is not the weekend of the 10th. Thank you.
Its always a pleasure throwin down with you guys (gambit & breakself).