waffle house HOT or NOT



  • 2 eggs
    2 pancakes
    ~$8.50 Canadian

  • are you all serious???

    down south Awful Houses always seem to be

    they cook everything with grease

    I live about 100 yards from one, most of the employees are people I have fired, and the place is filled with flies... ew that place is so nasty...

  • not hot...while on tour i stopped in one in lexington, ky. the kid working had no gloves on, touched meat, dirty dishes, garbage, and then proceeded to put a whole piece of apple pie on the grill. i questioned him as to where the manager was, he replied: "i am the manager". the dude looked 15 and had a sideways hat that said 50 cent on it....

    i really used to dig the awful house too..i'd get two waffles and home fries, smothered and covered with a bowl of grits on the side.

  • whatever. don't go into the kitchen of your favorite restaurant then, it'll no longer be your favorite. i really want to read Anthony Bourdains Kitchen Confidential

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i guess i gotta go to LA cause the waffle houses in florida are shit. That place is super last resort here

    I thought this was one of those SS inside jokes for a minute. Waffle/Huddle/Coffee House is a DUMP and def south of the florida state line. Smelly truck drivers, cig smoke, and an entire menu that looks & tastes like it was deep fried in vintage oil is

  • whatever. don't go into the kitchen of your favorite restaurant then, it'll no longer be your favorite. i really want to read Anthony Bourdains Kitchen Confidential

    i'm sure this same guy touched his nads, wiped his ass an forgot to wash his hands, and picked his nose as well. the 50 cent hat didn't help either.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    scattered, smothered & covered

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    im SO glad these and the stein are back! (seriously.)

    as for waffle house. that used to be my joint back in the day, but i never go there now as my girl hates the fucking place (dumb bitch, shit no wait) i used to get just mad hashbrowns smothered and shit, and some fucking bacon and eggs and shit, and some fucking cocacola, softdrinks are DOPE in the AM! HOLLUR!

  • The Charleston, SC Huddle House is where it's at:

  • nrichnrich 932 Posts

  • I say NOT, but it's because of health reasons. Had my gall bladder removed in 1998 and can't eat anything high in fat. Unfortunately, that's anything worth a crap at the Awful Waffle so I can't eat there. It sucks because I really liked it when I could eat anything I wanted, and there's a Waffle House within walking distance of my house. Not being able to eat at Waffle House means I have a LOT fewer eating options when I visit Atlanta since there's an Waffle House every 3 fucking blocks!

    In the next day or two I'll have to scan in the card I received in the mail inviting me to the grand opening of the Waffle House near me. Aww yeah, I felt awfully special being invited to the grand opening! VIP baby!

  • what's with the places that change up from HOUSE to STEAK? do they all say good morning to you too when you walk in?
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