How To Find Obscure Documentaries?
166 Posts
This worked the last time I asked you all for help. (Thanks Cool C****). Here's what I'm looking for this time:The Flight of the Dove (US) 1988, dir. Nancy da Silveira. It's a short documentary about the Holy Ghost Festivals in a California Azorean immigrant community (all you San Joaquin Valley strutters know the deal). The only copy I've found of this is through UC educational media.... which means $200 for this 29 minute jawn (or $50 for a one-day rental). Anyone know a slightly cheaper way to get something like this, or a way to get ahold of obscure documentaries in general?Thanks.
please to photoshop neta's or better yet "Hogg's" head onto body plase. thnx.
you try Le Video off of Irving by the park?
your best bet in the city is le video like p*****k suggested or lost weekend video in the mission
no, i'll try. good idea, YP.
you better be careful inciting photoshop nonsense. somebody's bound to post a Queen KingMoist pic up in here.
Wait, that's not him?
but as a fair warning, most documentaries that dont have corporate distributors carry an outrageous rental price. just something to keep in mind if you plan on going the legal route. it might be better to keep asking around and securing a copy that way.
in the bay area, i'd ask around at the pfa and film arts foundation as there are many dudes with insane private collections in and around the bay area that belong to these organizations.
get a room
You may be able to find it in the library of a local Univerisity. If they don't have it there, you could request that they get it and they usually will. They pay wholesale prices on those kinds of things.
UC Berkeley's Media Resource Center has it. i have access to it there. that's how i learned of it, actually -- digging up sources on Azoreans in California.
so, yeah, viewing it isn't the problem. i just need to own it. it's silly, but true. i mean, dang, it's from the late 80s so there are priceless shot of big bangs and french braids. oh and "Diamond Girl" by Nice & Wild playing at the portuguese social. god, it's great!
i'll contact the I.D.E.S. org and some of the other portuguese fraternal crews for help. good idea. somebody's aunt or cousin or greatgrandma has a bootleg, i can feel it.
i'm also trying to contact the UC ed media sales department to see if they can hook me up with some kind of research discount. long shot.