Props to Hogginthefogg
14,705 Posts
youve come a loooong way, kiddo. i may be on the late bus on this but front cover article?? like that, pappi? shit, i remember when you was like the sports page editor for streetsheet. you done came up, Pun! nicely done. rolling stone next??
no SLaVeBrOwN ??
no SLaVeBrOwN ??
Nice one dude. In 10 years for writing for the friggin Guardian, I never once got a cover story. Nevaaaaaaa....
Seriously, nice work.
LOL! Best line I've read on here in a while. And thanks for the props, Mang.
Zion I was bridinging that gap between scenes as far back as 6-7 years ago...their beats have always had that knock, they used to do shows at La Pena sandwiched in between the likes of Prophets of Rage and the Coup, and whenever they did shows in SF they would serve as a rallying point for all of the East Bay folks in the house.
Oh yeah, who's this?
That is not an accurate quote; I really don't speak that way.
It does, however, accurately encapsulate my sentiments.
also Serg and Stef's blogs were mentioned in the cover story on the Sf Weekly like two weeks ago.
Yeah, just to be clear: clowning aside, I am actually really proud of Ross for this one.
to your illogically bad taste.
On that note, the Three 6 album has really grown on me since I initially told you it was not-so-special.
For the rackord: the editor approached me to do a fly-on-the-wall piece on any Bay Area rapper I thought was important enough to grace the cover, so I pitched E-40. I had a few brief phone convos with E-Feasible (dude's voicemail greetings are hilarious: Press 9 if you'd like to page...THA WATERMELON!), but it didn't work out with his insane schedule.
Now, 40 on the cover of the SF Weekly? I'll still try to make it happen.
Ditto on the praise, too. Good job, dude. Got your mix CD in the mail today too and and the shiz biddangs as well.
Now make that 40 piece happen.
i'm still working on said project, it's turning out pretty well. You will be getting a fat package soon (no promo)
You know, in reading that article, as well as in reading the stuff that dude has written here and elsewhere, the word that keeps coming to mind is "grace." It's always the wild shit that gets the most attention, but I don't know if folks appreciate how fuckin' hard it is to operate like Ross does, to write without leaving any fingerprints, to talk about other people???s pictures without smearing their canvas with your own paint, and to leave someone understanding without ever once making them realize that they???ve been made to understand. I wasn???t really kidding when I said earlier that the hazard of his mix CDs is that they will convince you that you know some shit about some shit that, seventy minutes ago, you didn???t know shit about. Whether reading or listening, Zion I or Bayarrhea or whatever, you won???t feel like you???ve been taught something, you'll just end up feeling like you know. You will never see Ross flip the light switch, you will only feel illuminated. And please recognize: That kind of egolessness, that willingness to deliver the real weight and then just vanish, is grown-man shit of the highest caliber. So yeah, props.
Not to take anything away from the achievement, but
however, being a strutter, I would have liked to have seen further development of the "underlying racial issues" subject:
Why ya wanna playa hate on me...err, I mean yaself.
Ross has been doing it for the least since I first ran into him telling KTSB deejays in a staff meeting that they should be playing more Das Efx and Redman.
LOL! You are right about one thing though, I'm poking almost as much fun at myself as I am at Zion.
Oh snapple.
FULL DISCLOSURE: This was in 1992.
Even funnier to me is that both of our statements about Zion I were factually accurate.
This is, perhaps, the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me (and from the Strut's most talented wordsmiff, at that). Thank you very kindly.
track down ant banks!
I don't think I can say it any better. Such a cool hommie and easy to hang out with. Congrats Duppy.