why do people watch sports?



  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    ako, your post is a 15 word LAN party.

    i thought this made sense, then after re-reading it it didnt anymore...?

    either way, soulstrut itself is the biggest "LAN party" ever

    isn't this a school night?

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts
    for those in school, probably

    by the way, taking a year off from college was probably a really bad idea, wasnt it...? as long as i dont have to go back to that worthless community college ever again though, im happy. like elementary school all over again..

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    by the way, taking a year off from college was probably a really bad idea, wasnt it...? as long as i dont have to go back to that worthless community college ever again though, im happy. like elementary school all over again..

    LIFE:[/b] Like Elementary School All Over Again

    Man, it doesn't get any better. And you might as well go back to the community college because they teach you the same bullshit for like 1/8 the cost.

  • Sports are kinda like rap to me, just something that you really can't explain why you like it, you just like it.

    Like you know and can maybe kind of explain it, but when you do try and explain it it just gets ghey and cheapens it. You just know random stats and stuff for no reason. Explanation is futile.

    Ask some person in Europe or South America why he/she likes a particular soccer squad, or someone in India or Pakistan about cricket, and you might get slapped.

    Could never really feel hockey, but this dude I knew in school was such a backwoods whitey about it I could kinda see it (for a fleeting moment).

    I remember Reggie Miller going for 25 in the 4th Quarter against the Knicks being in like 8th grade like jumping around eating Twizzlers and shit. It was like dude was soft all those years and suddenly so gangster.

    I'll say this, it can be a bit exploitive. Like that commercial with the mini Kevin Garnett is fucked up to me, not sure why. But the commercial with the remote control and the Black Eyed Peas is funny (metaphor for Jimmy Iovine).

    I look WAY too into things. Its like 1 and shit. Colts are 7-0 and Edge James is that dude.

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    I actually support Queens Park Rangers who are in the division below Premiership. They are not doing badly in the league, but are dismal to watch and it is very poor quality and value for money. It's the same at most clubs though, crap entertainment. If you get the chance, try watching La Liga in Spain - quality open, skillfull and attacking football which is far superior to anything I've seen in the last 5 years. Barcelona are the absolute dogs proverbials! English football to me (even Chelsea and Man Utd - Arsenal are ok, they try and play the game properly) is boring, 100mph kick and rush where teams try to negate each other and are petrified of losing. It's just not for me, too fast for much skill or flair to show through, but I guess some people prefer this otherwise there wouldn't be so much money flying around!

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what happened to that LAN party kid anyway?

    i don't really watch sports but i can understand why others do.

  • lucerolucero 425 Posts
    the tenseness of something like game 2 in the world series is a great example - I could feel it from half the world away, and all I had was SI's real time board and the 'chicago' (?) thread on here .. meaty was all excited & called it like one of the greatest games ever, then o-dub (trying to get some cred no doubt) brought some perspective to things, but yeah, a great example, and the series ain't over yet

  • the tenseness of something like game 2 in the world series is a great example - I could feel it from half the world away, and all I had was SI's real time board and the 'chicago' (?) thread on here .. meaty was all excited & called it like one of the greatest games ever, then o-dub (trying to get some cred no doubt) brought some perspective to things, but yeah, a great example, and the series ain't over yet

    so who is everyone going with? Chi or Hou?

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    I think most people watch sports because they like to feel involved with something "bigger than them." I don't think it's imprecise to compare sports to religions. It can be somewhat dangerous when folks get a bit too fan-tastical, but, hey, anything in excess is dangerous, right?

    Judging by some recent threads on here though, I'd say a lot of people on here watch sports solely to express their unconscious racist tendencies. "Go black man! Dunk it! Ok... thanks. Now act 'white' or else I will hate you." The end.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Judging by some recent threads on here though, I'd say a lot of people on here watch sports solely to express their unconscious racist tendencies. "Go black man! Dunk it! Ok... thanks. Now act 'white' or else I will hate you." The end.

  • I watch sports for the fights.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    I'm not the one who likes to watch or participate in sports. The exception is bowling, which is a sport, contrary to popular opinion. I have no problem with those who watch football, basketball or whatever. If you enjoy watching it, go for it. I just find it odd when these fans allow their day to be ruined and act ass-hurt to everybody they come in contact with when their favorite team lost. I work in an office with dudes who are hardcore when it comes to the Chiefs, Vikings and Raiders. Because of this I'm always the odd man out (but hey, what's new?).

    I'm feeling this...
    I watch sports for the fights.

  • I watch the Astros because they give me all the benefits of Ipecac with none of the icky taste.

  • sports is the opium of the masses.

    that coming from somebody who watches a lot of sports.

    now that we are on sports issues what do people think about this trend where almost every arena in major sports is named after some big corporation. i understand in order to get a lot of money these people have big companies sponser them but to me it seems a little bit

    i mean which has more charm comesky park or us cellular field ?

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    yeah i support liverpool and watch the matches every chance i get...maybe you guys need to get vinnie jones out of retirement to get things exciting again.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    what freaks me out is the similarities between knowing about records and knowing about sports. Each have a history. Each can be researched and debated. etc etc etc

    Record guys...
    "I cant believe you like that Invaders LP..."
    "no, the Hen wasnt originally pressed on Paula..."

    Sports guys...
    "you like the Bears? what are you out of your mind?"
    "Joe Blow completed the most touchdowns with the Eagles in the season of '73 not '72, that was blah blah blah..."

    ..and have you ever met those guys who watches old games from the 60s and 70s? Or met a guy who listens to records from that time? Crazy.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    what freaks me out is the similarities between knowing about records and knowing about sports. Each have a history. Each can be researched and debated. etc etc etc

    Record guys...
    "I cant believe you like that Invaders LP..."
    "no, the Hen wasnt originally pressed on Paula..."

    Sports guys...
    "you like the Bears? what are you out of your mind?"
    "Joe Blow completed the most touchdowns with the Eagles in the season of '73 not '72, that was blah blah blah..."

    ..and have you ever met those guys who watches old games from the 60s and 70s? Or met a guy who listens to records from that time? Crazy.

    I grew up with a guy who before he became a record freak/musician could rattle off all the batting averages, and every pertinent statitstic under the sun for every season the Twins were in existence. He lived for that shit, listened to sports talk radio and religiously listened to games broadcast on WCCO. All that anal attention to detail came in handy when he applied it to the Beatles recording techniques. Dude's an encyclopedia.

    A confession, watching golf classics from the late 60s/early 70s makes me feel good because it reminds me of my Dad. And John Book knows that I could watch 60s/70s surf films all day long too.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

    A confession, watching golf classics from the late 60s/early 70s makes me feel good because it reminds me of my Dad. And John Book knows that I could watch 60s/70s surf films all day long too.

    My father is the sameway about cars. He is a retired racecar driver and has been around cars since the mid 60s. I remember I once played him one of those "Sounds of the Raceway" or "Sports Cars in HiFi" LPs and he could instantly tell what year/make/model of car that was idling/reving up without looking at the tracklisting.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I feel like how much I enjoy watching sports depends on how much I enjoy (or enjoyed) playing them - when I was a kid, I was all about baseball, all the time - I played every day, went to Ted Williams Baseball Camp (dude showed up on the last day and was like "hey kids!" and that was it for him), and watched every baseball game I could find...I had the 1975 World Series highlight reel on tape and would watch Fisk's home run over and over, had a Fred Lynn poster on my wall...I still hold an affection for baseball, but for the last 10 years I have been playing hockey (ice & street) at least once, sometimes as much as 3 times a week...consequently, I can't stop watching hockey...the thrill is seeing someone doing the same thing you do, but 1,000 times better...I learn from watching, and I can relate to almost everything that happens. I always sucked at basketball (I am too physical, no finesse) and would say the NBA falls last of the 4 sports in my interest (although I was a huge Celtics fan in the 80's...if you lived in Boston, you didn't really have a choice, and used to go to games with my Pops alot, so I really liked it back then)...I used to play alot of 2-hand-touch football, and that gave me an appreciation for the NFL that I hadn't felt before I learned how to play. Now I can watch football all day.

    The funniest thing is, I love watching rugby on cable, but I have no idea what is going on most of the time!!

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I still hold an affection for baseball, but for the last 10 years I have been playing hockey (ice & street) at least once, sometimes as much as 3 times a week...consequently, I can't stop watching hockey...

    I grew up playing ice hockey, and even went to a Herb Brooks summer seminar when I was in jr high, so I can relate, although I can only occasionally sit through a bit of a college game(preferably the Gophers vs. the Badgers!)

  • I still hold an affection for baseball, but for the last 10 years I have been playing hockey (ice & street) at least once, sometimes as much as 3 times a week...consequently, I can't stop watching hockey...

    I grew up playing ice hockey, and even went to a Herb Brooks summer seminar when I was in jr high, so I can relate, although I can only occasionally sit through a bit of a college game(preferably the Gophers vs. the Badgers!)

    Wait...you play hockey and surf? I'm lost! I thought you were from DC?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I still hold an affection for baseball, but for the last 10 years I have been playing hockey (ice & street) at least once, sometimes as much as 3 times a week...consequently, I can't stop watching hockey...

    I grew up playing ice hockey, and even went to a Herb Brooks summer seminar when I was in jr high, so I can relate, although I can only occasionally sit through a bit of a college game(preferably the Gophers vs. the Badgers!)

    Wait...you play hockey and surf? I'm lost! I thought you were from DC?

    Still here? I distinctly recall calling for you to be banned.

  • I DON'T LIKE YOU, jackass.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I still hold an affection for baseball, but for the last 10 years I have been playing hockey (ice & street) at least once, sometimes as much as 3 times a week...consequently, I can't stop watching hockey...

    I grew up playing ice hockey, and even went to a Herb Brooks summer seminar when I was in jr high, so I can relate, although I can only occasionally sit through a bit of a college game(preferably the Gophers vs. the Badgers!)

    Wait...you play hockey and surf? I'm lost! I thought you were from DC?

    I don't surf (don't get it twisted), I love to watch it done well, fucking poetry in motion on the ocean. I could go on for days about why I love it, but I will sound like an even bigger cornball than I already do. Have only ever tried boogie boarding cuz I never lived near the ocean and never had a teacher. One of my dream vacations is to go to Hawaii or somewhere on the Gold Coast in Austrailia and do a week long surf camp.

    I live in DC, but only since I was 29 (am now 37). I grew up in Steven Point WI before heading to Mankato MN for 6th grade(played Hockey/Football/Swam/Basketball/Tennis from when I was 4). Left Mankato to attend college in St Paul, MN....lived in Minneapolis/St Paul til '96. Spent '96-'97 in Vegas and Pinedale, WY before taking a job in DC.


  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    It's like music,art, science, theatre, language....it's one of the ways we express ourselves as humans that goes back to the beginning of existence.

    Basketball is expressive... now why people watch football and baseball or, frankly, why those sports even exist, I will never understand.

    Dude, your level of hatting is so beyond the pale, it's stunning.

    Faux rillz For real though, I'm not the biggest fan of football fans. Relative to other sports, football seems to inspire some of the worse traits of obnoxiousness imaginable (well, that and Yankees fans, writ large) but in terms of the mechanics of football, I can't hate. It's definitely not as fluid as basketball, but I can appreciate the sheer level of mental/human engineering necessary to pull off a successful play. And hell, it appeals to our war voyuerism.

    With baseball...I understand why people don't get the game's appeal since it's not exactly the most frenetic sport around but there's something very simple and pure about the face-off between a pitcher and batter. Not like the rest of the team isn't important, but ultimately, it comes down to a showdown on every pitch. I also think the tradition and pagaentry of baseball is wholly relevent to its continued appeal, not just in the U.S. but in other countries like Japan, Cuba, the Dominician Republic, etc. For better or for worse, it's a symbol of America and one I'd prefer over many other symbols I can think of.

    Mad mad hatting from the Fake One. I always watched football growing up but I have really gotten into football the last few years since my father in-law got season tickets to the Ravens. Live the game is incredible exciting. The speed of the game is really not to be believed, especially considering their size. More than anything it is such an interesting chess match. Basketball at the pro level has gotten intensely boring in the past few years. The slowness of play is a real turn off. College basketball still interests me because of the intense pride and grit that is shown by those guys.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I DON'T LIKE YOU, jackass.

    You mad?
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