Help me stop a bootlegging scumbag
770 Posts
Members of the soulstrut massive, your help is needed once again. I'm trying to help prevent the distribution of a bootleg of an album by an artist I made friends with recently. The boot is not in stores yet and there's still time to call and warn the stores that they're dealing with stolen goods, and they definitely will deal with this boot if no one tells them because it's a big title and it's gonna look authentic. All I need from you is help making a list of all the big stores and distributors of new psych reissues, the places that carry stuff from companies like Shadoks, Radioactive, Akarma...Here's my list so far LAAmoebaAronsSFAquariusAmoebaNYCOther MusicKimsBostonTwisted VillageForced ExposureI know there gotta be big spots in Chicago, Seattle, DC, Austin, Dallas, everywhere else, and of course all the international joints...At the moment I can't tell you who the artist is because there's an outside chance that by applying all this pressure the guilty party will step down and stop their stealing. And yo, if someone wants to clown on this request, fuck you up front; this is real and I'm trying to help a destitute musician. If you think this sounds sketchy be aware that I am 100% above ground ( and those who know me and my dealings with artists know my track record is clean, so keep it to yourself. I hate having to write this paragraph but there are some idle-ass haters on this site who just love to get all suspicious & dramatic whenever someone dares ask for something like this.To the rest, thank you.
Easy St Records
Sonic Boom
Wall of Sound
waterloo (6th st and lamar)
end of an ear (south first)
only stores in town ive seen with akarma wax
Thank you everybody, keep em coming!
Shake It!
Record City
Off the Record
-Cheapo (some carry new stuff too)
-Let It Be
Madison WI
-Mad City Music Exchange
-Pasture Records
-Strickly Dics
Your headline is not spectacular.
Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jackpot Records
2nd Avenue Records
Reverb Records
Mississippi Music
Those are the only ones I can think of offhand that might carry reissues by those labels.
Treehouse Records in MPLS is big on the psych reissues.
Isn't that what you want?
I think you all included all the possible SF stores, although you could check Aquarius records on Valencia (they are pretty small tho)
Yes, I want them to stop stealing. Once you go public and attack someone by calling all the stores buying their bootlegs, you can be certain that they will not work with you. Right now the idea is arm ourselves with this info so that we are ready to go into battle the moment we get a clear word that the guy is blowing us off. But for now it would be unwise to start calling dude out.
The "hostility" in the inital post is completely warranted -- it comes from the experience of making similar requests for help in the past & being ridiculed and insulted by certain jr. detectives of soulstrut who enjoy decrying shit they don't really understand.
And people are helping quite a lot so far in spite of my post.
I mean, I tell haters to stay out of it and you chime in to call me hostile? That's ironic, dude.
I'm not the one who had a very public mental breakdown because the Eagles lost a football game, nor did I ever go berzerk because I felt that not enough people were looking at my sister's pictures.
And there's a big difference between your blind rage and my righteous anger (which you seem to be overestimating).
This is about to get superugly.
otherwise, cant dudes who are putting this shit out throw back some cash dudes way? or are they just unreasonable scumbags?
im just curious as to if this dudes going to get help in the end from you or if youre just trying to block bootleggers from making a buck for your homie?
It's just that Josh brought up what seemed to be a serious point in the antagonism in the initial post, that what seemed to be borderline hostile and - because of the particular tone - might cause people to shy away from what I would consider a valiant cause. I know that it did for me, and as someone who has material that is bootlegged I am down for your efforts.
As for all of this:
You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The so called "mental breakdown" wasn't a breakdown at all. It was an internet argument between 2 people on the internet. It ultimately was not about a football game. It ultimately was between 2 people. You are neither one of them. Please to shut your pie hole.
As for my sister's thread, bear in mind that YOU came at ME sideways in that thread, hence me making that remark earlier regarding "headlines." In jest, of course. And so once again. Pie hole. Shutteded.
Best of luck in your "endeavors."
I am not going to allow this to spiral out of control, Oliver.