We Are In Trouble.



  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Perhaps the big boss upstairs is not at all pleased with the way we've been running things.

    this big boss - whoever s/he is - is making the wrong people pay. unless s/he just doesn't like brown folks.

    So call me a hippie but...

    A few things I try to do while on mother earth-

    Recycle daily.
    Don't drive and pollute the air.
    Don't eat meat.
    Love my neighbors, family, friends, fellow strutters

    I know this world seems all bad sometimes but it's not. Just remember that.


  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    bird flu is poised to wipe out millions... soon

    this, is indeed very scary.

    all the biological shit that is going to go down is the scariest of the scary. with all these chemicals we're using to kill insects with, and global warming, we are breeding some super species that will deliver some fatal bites. Hellstrom Chronicle.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    get ready for the apocalypse, folks.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    So call me a hippie but...

    A few things I try to do while on mother earth-

    Recycle daily.
    Don't drive and pollute the air.
    Don't eat meat.
    Love my neighbors, family, friends, fellow strutters

    I know this world seems all bad sometimes but it's not. Just remember that.
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