j.b.’s mess-ups, others too

has anybody else ever picked out little parts where the band has messed up on james brown cuts? i love these! i know other bands do it too, but i mean...well heres some examples:"The Drunk" - the bassist goes into the change, and everybody stays the same towards the end...notices, then goes back into what he was doing, also later on when the horns just start doing hits instead of melodies, one of the trumpet players goes an extra bar alone, before going into hits"I Can't Stand Myself (When you touch me)" - after jb asks the bassist to "walk for [him]", he keeps going even after jb clearly wanted him to get back into the groove..."wait a minute tim!"...at least thats what im assuming happened.who knows, maybe these were written this way...which wouldnt make sense, but anyway. i love these little mistakes....theres more. name some youve noticed, james brown related or not
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..........how old are you ?
Man, I was gonna make a similar post about bands messing up in songs.
I don't know why but I feel the same way about it as you when I hear them.
The end of Pamoja's "Ooh Baby" when the bassist or the guitar starts to go into the bridge and everyone else does something different.
Or "Trespasser" where the bassist fucks up before the song kicks in.
Sorry I didn't get back to you btw - i'll try to catch you later.
just kidding
of course J.B would be very angry if one of the guys would make a mistake in recording a track........BUT some of the changes/ending were jammed and of course the players had more freedom.......then I think the boss left those "mistakes" that were adding a sense of urgency to the whole thing
But didn't James rush them a lot, though? i thought i read that when they recorded "Payback" (the song) that the horns (or the whole band) didn't even get to rehearse before they cut it. that's why the horns sound kinda tentative at certain parts.
There's a pretty major f-up in Ghetto Boogie by The Ellen Jackson Big Star Band, either the singer misses the change or the band changes too early.
I love shit like that, you know it was live and the musicians were professional enough to work around it.
i always wondered if, during the breakdown of "razor blade", the drummer meant to hit the rims of the snare on that one part or if the sticks slipped. sounds dope anyways though.
"Oh How Happy" by the Jackson Five (listen closely, there's this weird bass voice in the chorus that sounds like somebody's drunk uncle...that's actually co-producer/label owner Berry Gordy)
Also in the middle of The Temptations- Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) there's a strange crunching noise that sounds like someone stepping on a light bulb, I always wondered what that was all about.
Ha, that song just came up yesterday on the mp3 player. I love that shit.
"First Impressions" is one of my favorites for a "mistake" throughout the LP. Has anyone else noticed that Marshall Jones's bass is flat for the whole album? The flat bass notes make the LP sound so basement and raw.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
I'm curious about whether or not that was intentional, too. Either way, it's funky as hell.
is that what that's all about? that's one of my favorite headphones moments right there. I always kinda figured it was more like playing with Monk would be full of ridiculous "I'm gonna put you on the spot right.......NOW!....go get it!" kind of moments or something....you can just feel Trane rush the mic there at the first note.
yeah, i mentioned this once before on here...crazy that they wouldnt notice! i love it, but sometimes i start paying too much attention to the bass and its just painful to listen to after a while
sorry, cant think of anything else right now!
ha, blame the jack d'johns, that shaker is part of the break!
when the dap-kings covered it, i was waiting to see if the drummer would try to pull it off, but he didn't.
who was the drummer on this tune? i don't have the lp so i don't know if it lists the musicians, but i wonder who it was.
on clarence carter's "i smell a rat," you can hear somebody whispering the words in clarence's ear just before he starts to sing each line
I'm pretty sure that it was purposeful. Creative feedback. Who knew?
yeah i always figured that was intentional, since it only happens at the start and finish of the song. its great, too...just like that whole damn song
The first one I thought of.
I mean, though: it totally kicks all forms of ass.
I love the feedback too, but Allen Toussaint was usually real meticulous about his production, you know? Compared to everything else he's done, that feedback sounds a little too loose and unexpected...not like on some modern-day "rawk" record where feedback goes with the territory. I'm sure they might have all sat around at the "Break In The Road" session during the playback and said, "hmmm, not bad, keep it!," though...
Yeah, I don't think that was intentional at all. It sounds like dude dropped one of his sticks and managed to keep playing. I always tripped on that too. Most of those cats had one or 2 chances to get it right and that was it. I would have been like "
I think he made that one up on the spot, from the sound of things. (Listen to it in context on Live At The Apollo, Vol. 2, where it appears during the ending of another song; this is the hit version I'm talking about.)
is the slip at the beginning of "there was a time" how jb says "there was a dance" before he says "there was a time"? i always figured that was a mistake...
by the way, was the 45 version recorded live? sounds like it, always sounds like minor crowd-getting-louder noise under it when he says "augusta, GA"