896 Posts
Hi, scheinbar hast du meine letzte PM nicht erhalten. Bitte schreib mir mal eine mail unter dj-hawkeye(AT) dann k??nne wir ??ber meine Frage reden.grussHawkeye
Hier noch ein paar International bekannte und beliebte deutsche W??rter.
Angst, Kindergarten, Autobahn, Schmalz, Frei-Fick-Muschi, Zeitgeist, Kraftwerk, Kitsch, ??beralles
Ah, and by the way, dont fuck with the Scorpions, they are from my hometown and we all love them Because we rock you like a hurrican to bring you the wind of change. OK ??
Other very dope bands from my hometown are
Scooter (Blah blah The Fish, Hyper Hyper) and Fury In The Slaughterhouse.
Also from my hometown but not in the same class and on the same level as these excelent musicians mentioned before are the Bands Spice and Timo Maas. But nobody listens to them in Hannover. This City loves Rock & Roll
Oktoberfest 2004 MC battle champion "Baron von spit hot fire" this dude killed it!
Hast du etwas Zeit far mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied far dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht g'rad an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fur dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und das sowas von sowas kommt
99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem weg zum horizont
Hielt man far UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn's so war
Dabei war'n da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons
99 Dasenjager
jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich far Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fahlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons
99 Kriegsminster
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich far schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hatte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons
99 jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen platz far Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine dasenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh' die welt in Trammern liegen
Hab' 'nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen
thanks guys, you just gave me the title for my next beat inferno mix...
PS: Hawkeye did not mention that our great german chancellor Schr??der is also from his hometown :-) What a gwan, yardie?
BTW: Oktoberfest ended yesterday - anyone post some pics from there?
CAZAL's & Lederhosen!!
preachin to the choir my man. Check the avatar...Hannover's finest rock guitarist, Uli Jon Roth.
Falco is not from Germany he is from Austria, but it depends from which point of you view you look at it. Some years ago it was all one big happy country. In some funny similariyt to my fomer extrem anti pc statements, do you know the german cover rap version of Rock me Amadeus ??? It is by an german rapper called Fler and thet track is called "Neue Deutsche Welle" which means, ah fuck it, it has a zillion meanings that doenst matter anything. The track is brand new and was some weeks in the Top Ten.
Sch??nen Guten Tag
Biggest Oktoberfest outside of Germany ain't ovah yet!!
Kitchener-Waterloo (Formerly known as New Berlin)
Oct. 7 - Oct. 15, 2005
Get ur drink on!!!
Great how clichehaft the world things of us. What more do we need than beer, mercedes, Lufthansa, German Luga, Achtung and Stillgestanden.
Hey Scope, Schr??der lebt hier, aber er ist nicht von hier. Ich lege da gesteigerten wert drauf. Das ist ein zugereister !!!!!!! Ich muss meine etwas h??sslich Stadt vor Angegriffen bewahren, schlieslich ist es, soweit ich es weiss, die unbeliebteste Stadt Deutschlands. V??llig zu Unrecht ihr verdammten h??llenhunde.
Wir haben auch andere Grosse Deutsche hervorgebracht. Ehhhhhh, Oliver Pocher z.B. Vergessen wir nicht Ehhh, Horst Brack. Scheisse, erinnert sich noch wer an Horst Brack ??? Der Vollstrecker ??? Anfang der 90 hat der mit so einer Ami Pflaume eine Wrestling Sendung auf RTL Moderiert. Nachts um 12. Und das scheiss Oktoberfest kann nicht anstinken gegen unser Sch??tzenfest. Es ist schlieslich das GR??SSTE Sch??tzenfest der Welt. Und unser Maschsee erst. Den verdanken wir ??hh, vergesst es einfach.
Hannover is der Shiznit, und Deutschland ist wie Kalifornien. (Den muss man mal um die Ecke denken)
Ich bin ein Hannoveraner
Did u know that he dj's too? He rocked a club this weekend in my a pocher! He's got some uberraers too, played niagara and sunbirds...the crowd loved it
Tag Hawkeye, mein Cousin verkauft Trekker in Koldingen. Wenn du mal einen M??hdrescher brauchst, holla. Basche war mein hood.
"MOVE YOUR ASS!!!"[/b]
You must be very proud
J??rgen Lopezen Ruizsch
jah... schlaffi
edit: what does "schlaffi" even mean? I just heard that word when I was a kid, and remember it being maybe a dirty word?... schit, i dunno... con someone tell me what it means?
you're kidding, right?
Hawkeye, I'll write to you soon!
my last oktoberfest: i got thrown out of the beer tent... i looked drunk.. that's what the security said! WTF???
hell no, this is serious...except for the uberraerpart
but he is doin djgigs in grossraumdiscos, check this:
"schlaffi" is an expression for a person who is rather weak. can also mean weak dick...erm, or something like this. the opposite of
haha! as long as you give me royalties! i was surprised to see that word. made that sentence with babelfish... bruchschlag would be "breakbeat", right? is it even a real german word?
literal translation, however not in use...well, until now! thanx for this wortneusch??pfung (new-word-creation)
Yo and Oli Pocher, this Fuckface, is DJyeing. This sun of a blodpissing gypsie slut, this scumbag full of shit farted out of the body of a puke eating sheep fucker is djaying ?? What kinda style ??? Techno ?? His girlfriend was part of the Band Bellini if I'm right. Now she is hosting this fuck magazine called Taff on TV Pro 7. We call it "Unterschichten Fernsehn" now bubblefish that dude and you laugh your ass away.
This hoar, Oli P, did with me Zivildienst together at the Arbeiter Samariter Bund aka ASB. (WTF is Zivildinest in english ??? They dont have it right ??) We drove handicaped people to cafes and offices and shit. Everbody their hated him. After that he came to the same radio station where I did my radio show. Than he was a lttle bit ahead with the Viva TV shit but I swear to you, he was allways biting me !!!! Back than he was a fuckface, now he is a millionair and still a fuckface. What did I wrong ?? I think I was to funny, because his greatest acomplishment is doing comedy shows without being funny. He is the end of the Spassgesellschaft. (Yeah bubble it again my friend)
If I head one shot free, I would Kennedyse him !!!!
Ich bin ein Hannoveraner