Who has extended knowledge in McDonalds?

mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
edited October 2005 in Strut Central


  • your mom

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Any Brits on the board?

    Do you all still got the hot apple pie with ice cream and chocolate sauce on it?

    That shit was the bomb.

    Or the soft ice cream with the flake bar init?

  • any greeks on the board? the mcgyro was hot!!!

    any egyptians on the board? the mcfalafel was not.

  • Royale with cheese s'il vous plait!

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    your mom

    good one, bro!
    fuckin cockblower

  • That's cool but you haven't lived till you've tried a peach/mango pie at Jollybee's, especially after you've hit up a Bay area diggin spot, just roll right on up the hill to Daily City and get your fast food grub on.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts


    "MM !! Now THAT... IS.... a tasty burger muhfugga"

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    That's cool but you haven't lived till you've tried a peach/mango pie at Jollybee's

    wherever you are shig, I hope the mention of set off your puto bong bong meter.

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    The local mcdonalds near my grandmas house in tuscany has modern style dark wood and brushed aluminum everywhere. The shit is nicer then lots of "designer" apartments and whatnot. Plus the bathrooms are the bomb, what you would expect from a bougie LA sushi bar or some shit. They have Caprese salad on the menu. You still couldnt pay me to eat there though.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Has anyone, notice that slightly disturbing, artificial, monosodium glutamate induced, deadly kind of glow, that seems to grow in your skin as people slowly begin to sweat the filth out of their digestive systems when they eat a good McDonald's?

    I just, think its really interesting for me, that people dont realise they are eating diseases, isn't it?

    Now, I love a good burger. Thats why I can be found with the other people, at..


  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Yo I dont know, I cant fuck with anything there except the breakfast. But mcgriddles do hit the spot now and then.
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