45 labels

I'm wondering what some good 45 labels are to look for...when it comes to LPs, I know labels and artists to look for and I know what a lot of the covers of records I'm looking for look like...but I go to this one record spot and dude has thousands upon thousands of 45s and I don't know much about good labels and rare labels to look for...and it's one of those places where you KNOW there is some good rare stuff just waiting to be dug up...so anybody got any recommendations of labels (and perhaps label scans for visual support)...I'll be going back to this place Saturday morning and I'm hopng to pick up some major 45s...thanks in advance
galaxy is a great one. it seems to be a pretty rare thing for a 45 label to be highly consistent (at least 45 labels with at least 25 releases or so). there are some that might be obvious ones, but are pretty solid:
People, Brownstone, King (JB produced), Scram, Seven B, Seventy-Seven, Rampart, Gordo, Okeh (from high 7200s on), Riverside, Roxbury, Cadet & Cadet Concept, Sansu, Invictus, Westbound, Eastbound, Shout, Phil-L.A. of Soul, Majesty, Double Shot, Sansu, Jasman, Neb's, Toddlin Town, Twilight/Twinight, Audio Arts, Zodiac.
That's just a handful. There are hundreds or thousands of small labels that have a couple of ridiculously awesome 45s (like SoulTex), but I don't know a lot about those. I'm mostly a lil-mid dude in the 45s. but hopefully this'll get you started.
Chances are there is still stuff there that you might want collectros might have taken the rears but there could still be some good music you don't have yet.
that's what i'm saying. there are spots that have been declared "dry" but still have hundreds of mint otis redding, rufus thomas, and early kool & the gang 45s.
Hey, I never said don't check it out... I'm just saying, dude expects raer and is likely to be dissappointed... NEVER EXPECT RAER
I didn't think you ment that I just didn't want dude thinking it was a waste of time to go check it out.
a good point. and a good mindset to have. of course, one person's common is another person's raer sometimes. usually one of those people is wrong though.
to everyone else: thanks for your help...I don't expect rare at this place, I'm sure it's been dug by thousands of people...I basically consider it dry from an LP standpoint because I've dug that place to shit, but he keeps bringing new stuff in and buying new collections on set days so I check out his recent pick-ups...the 45 thing is something I've always wanted to get into but always knew so little and I guess that's what sort of kept me away, regardless, I'll take all of your advice...I have a handytrax and I got all day Saturday..I'll let you all know if I find some good stuff
I didn't think my post was that lame, hah. Bring a portable and pig out.
not really - record collecting is regional, so at least half the commons and raers are gonna shift up as you go from place to place.
These labels are a good place to start for newer collectors. Hell, I'm still trying to complete my collections.
Fame was also distributed by Vee Jay and United Artists, and and you can't go wrong there either (Clarence Carter and his ex-wife Candi Staton cut some incredible sides for the UA-period Fame).
if you need visuals feel free to check out some of my label scans on my pics page...
the previously mentioned label names are definitely ones to look out for, but at least u can see what some of them look like first.
oh and yes ill repeat the "never expect raer" line as well.