California Pizza Kitchen is not what's really.

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i only really had the jamaican jerk chicken there but that shit is good

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Look we slapped crap from every country into one dish and call it original!!!!!

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Plus, they got that whole "bowl" stuff going on that's taking over in places like the Olive Garden.

    Look, we're not even going to try to be a good resturaunt. We just slop crap in a bowl and feed it to you like the pig you are! That's will be $15 please.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    i had it for the first time in a year last night.
    barbecue chicken salad and thai pasta hit the spot.
    ambience is corporate corporate corporate, but i can't complain about thier food.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    you talking bout the shit you buy at the store or the actual place?

    cuz i havent been to the actual place but them frozen jawns aint too bad. a little expensive.

    you got the runs or something, day?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    the jamaican jerk chicken always gives me the runs but i love that shit so i can't complain. i think the reason why cpk is successful is that people think they're dining upscale (place looking real nice, good waitstaff) but the food aint nothing special really.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    you talking bout the shit you buy at the store or the actual place?

    cuz i havent been to the actual place but them frozen jawns aint too bad. a little expensive.

    you got the runs or something, day?

    hahaha, no - My wife ordered from them tonight and it's less than

    It's alright from time to time but tonight it was nota so hott.

    Shit, I hope I don't have the runs at the gig tonight.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    the jamaican jerk chicken always gives me the runs but i love that shit so i can't complain. i think the reason why cpk is successful is that people think they're dining upscale (place looking real nice, good waitstaff) but the food aint nothing special really.

    word up, thats like a lot of shit in the states man, people think they getting one thing, but are really getting a big bowl of doo.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts

    Shit, I hope I don't have the runs at the gig tonight.

    i think that would definitely qualify as

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

    Word. I would not eat that "Pizza" if you paid me. That shit is not pizza. It's some California fusion bullshit!

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    runs at the gig is where internal mode on serato goes to work, hahaha

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    runs at the gig is where internal mode on serato goes to work, hahaha

    hahaa, totally. man, has anyone ever had that happened to them?

  • The Pea Soup/Ceasar Salad aint to bad. I would never eat pasta from there, though bonafide italian homecooking as a snotnose is prolly to blame for this snobbery.

    The funniest shit is that on the nametags of the waitstaff it lists what country they are from.

    France, Greece, Morocco? My ass. Fresno, Glendale, and Monrovia, more likely.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    runs at the gig is where internal mode on serato goes to work, hahaha

    hahaa, totally. man, has anyone ever had that happened to them?

    Man, just READING this is making me

    "here my body calling meeee-eeee"


  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    hahaa, shit man, that would be the worst.

    ever noticed the bathroom is WAY far away from wherever the dj booth is?

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Look, I don't know about ya'll, but CPK is good as hell to me.

    I get the Sante Fe chicken with extra sour cream, every time.

    What's that Italian syrup they put in the drinks?

    Strawberry peach lemonade is on blaze.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    This sounds like heaven. All we got is diners and dive bars in Sellersville.

  • Sour Cream on pizza?

    I cant stand to see folls put tapatio in there pasta.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Sour Cream on pizza?

    I cant stand to see folls put tapatio in there pasta.

    The crap they put on pizza now adays is just crazy. But hey I put an avocado on a pizza once and it was pretty good.

  • as a general rule avacado is good on anything.

    I wanna come out with avacado ice cream. Seriously.

    This barzillian (or maybe portugeuese?) dude made me a drink out of avacado, milk, and honey. SHit was

  • barbecue chicken salad and thai pasta hit the spot.

    at a place with "pizza kitchen" in the title =

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    dude next time try the Carne Asada pizza or the Jombolaya...freals, good shit

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    chain restaurant culture is so

  • Do they have this in NYC? I had it in Boston and wasn't impressed, but haven't seen it here. There's probably one righ on my block though and I just didn't notice.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    chain restaurant culture is so

    True indeed Aser, True indeed!

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    chain restaurant culture is so

    True indeed Aser, True indeed!

    whatever. SHit is decent.

    Nothing spectacular though. I usually limit myself to a salad or something. The pizza is ehhhhhh... but what can you expect? What the fuck would california know about good pizza?

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    The pizza is ehhhhhh... but what can you expect? What the fuck would california know about good pizza?

    True indeed Bsides, True indeed

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

    Just checked out his website. Looks very good. I think I'll be in Vancouver next month and that looks like a great place for dinner! Wifey would love it.
    Omakase of course. Thanks for the tip PEK!
    Have you eaten there?

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