Begging for comments on MySpace =

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
I've noticed this alot lately in the bulletins. Sad, really.


  • you're an internerd

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    seriously? I've never had anyone ask for comments in the bulletins

  • the worst comments are "thanks for the add, xoxo"

    that and when people put promotional shit in your comments.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    you're an internerd

    yeah, basically.

  • you're an internerd

    yeah, basically.

    oh jeez, don't get sad!

  • Even worse, direct messages asking for that...

    I think some folks need to surface every once in a while and

  • I get a lot of "listen to my songs and tell me what you think". I think I should forward those on to the SoulStrut massive. Let Faux Rillz, Paychecks and Archaic RIP give them a thorough critique.

  • montymonty 420 Posts

  • Even worse, direct messages asking for that...

    I think some folks need to surface every once in a while and

    get caught in a tuna net? Dude that's cruel. A simple "deny new friend" would sufice.

    Naw dude, there's some corny people on there. Like folks that leave "have a nice day" or "xoxo" shit, or you peak on some "hot babes" page and all these cornballs are all "hey good lookin'! Sizzlin'!"

    lamest of them all= complaining on a message board about myspace, while avoiding writing papers on Greek mythology.

  • I get a lot of "listen to my songs and tell me what you think". I think I should forward those on to the SoulStrut massive. Let Faux Rillz, Paychecks and Archaic RIP give them a thorough critique.

    LOL tell them to send the files to Hoody Allen

  • word. Piper Dandy (Jim Dandy's daughter) posts like a hundred of those "look at my photos and comment" posts on the bulletin thingy everyday...

    Her pop is always posting "listen to my band's braeks" bulletins all the time also...

    not really, but that would be better than her daughters bulletins.

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    bulletins - don't post, don't read.

  • I get a lot of "listen to my songs and tell me what you think". I think I should forward those on to the SoulStrut massive. Let Faux Rillz, Paychecks and Archaic RIP give them a thorough critique.

    LOL tell them to send the files to Hoody Allen

    He's just jealous because 1100 white rappers haven't added him yet. If anybody wants to hear my favorite myspace music page check out BB Nyce. I've never heard anything like her rendition of "One Thing".

  • bulletins - don't post, don't read.


    Check out this event: Quintet Noveau @ the CNOTE

    I actually wanted to check this out but had to be up early this morning.

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    bulletins - don't post, don't read.


    Check out this event: Quintet Noveau @ the CNOTE

    I actually wanted to check this out but had to be up early this morning.

    hahahahahaha...... that doesn't count because i just clicked 'post bulletin' when i read her event notice!!!!! so THERE.
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