getting your learn on



  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    i went to school for a bit of programming, never really got into it, but i must say that object oriented programming is a really cool philosophy, with the polymorophism and all that, how it relates to practically anything in the world..i can't imagine the world before OOP...imagine that cobol ish, just doing down a straight line all linear and ish. congrats on getting your learn on, age ain't nothing but a number.

    OOP is great, I'm a Java man. I'm trying to get deeper into C programming, because it's often more code-efficient and when dealing with C you're peeling of a couple of abstraction layers compared to Java. Getting closer to the source, so to speak. The reason why I want to get busy with SuperCollider is because it's a programming language dedicated exclusively to sound/music. It's pretty nerdy and non-intuitive, but I want to investigate.

  • girgir 329 Posts
    Any other foolios in here who still go to school (besides ) ? Seems like most strutters are snuggled up in comfortable jobs and nice paychecks, or am I wrong?

    this is my last year of working on a ba in sociology after which i will become the most famous laptop beat rocker EVAR or continue to work at a record store go back to school and get a master's in sociology or ethnomusicology or something similar.
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