steveo on carolla
8,182 Posts
I was flipping channels and saw that Steve-o was on Carrollas show...holy fuck this was uncomfortable to watch, dude was really fuckin drunk, tackled carolla, busted a table and had to be restrained, dudes isnt a good enough actor to fake this, had to be real...have to give it up to Carrolla for keeping his cool and at least trying to make light of it all....
hahaha, this was the actually the only funny thing I've ever seen on his show. Did you Steve-o smash the glass coffee table? They should have just let him go godzilla on the rest of the set.
chris pontinus is actually funny imo
I was hoping for Daily Show repeats, instead I got this.
i doubt anbody wants to see this but anyways it's some funny shit i'm warnig you there is a lot of blood involved
STEVE-O on Dutch TV