GUZZO on Blind Date



  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,779 Posts
    I got it on my DV-R... Not quite sure how I could get it on my computer and encode it. By the time I figured it out, Guzz probably will have one to air. SO MANY CLASSIC MOMENTS....

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I'm not all too computer saavy, alls I got is my VHS copy of it and I can't use any of the facilities here at work to make a digital copy without pissing off some producer.

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    Get gully, Guzzo.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Get gully, Guzzo.

    She wasn't really cute imo. I would've totally dogged her alot more then you did. But that's me.

    The glimmer on your shirt = priceless.

    - spidey

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    F that. WHERE'S THE MPEG!

    I feel like i'm missing out on the last seconds of an NBA western conference game 7 or something!

    co-sign. i don't watch TV.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    F that. WHERE'S THE MPEG!

    I feel like i'm missing out on the last seconds of an NBA western conference game 7 or something!

    co-sign. i don't watch TV.

    damn, i think i saw the promo for that episode, but i didn't know it was guz at the time! i remember the "guys who weigh more than me line" as they went to commercials on some "tune in tomorrow" shit. VAN DAMME!!!

    someone needs to come with that video quickfast in a hurry.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Just now getting back to a computer.....

    That shit was classic.

    Big ups to Guzzo for keeping his cool.

    He could have gone off but staying cool showed how much better he is than that stupid hussy. Girls like that are just dumb as snot! Plus, they all have that whole bullshit line about liking "smart nerdy types". Then she just comes out and says "looks are everything". I cannot state enough what a dumb stupid bitch this girl is.

    Anyone who says "I'd tap" is as lame and shallow as her!

    She only has her self to blame for being a lying bitch! She lied about her "type" so she wouldn't seem like a selfish bitch, but the second Adam appears she turns in to a total cunt. Adam made the best of it and tried to at least connect and have a good time and all she could do was cut him down repeatedly. She didn't even make an effort to be nice.

    At least the show had fun with her and kept pointing out how shallow she was.

    Women like this make me sick.....did I mention what a bitch she was?

    Did I mention how Guzzo looked like the Dali Lama next to this girl?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    why do you hate women

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    why do you hate women

    he gets no butt dawg.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    why do you hate women

    I new that was comming. I hate individual people, not genders. This girl was a total bitch. She said she wanted a nerd, but that was a lie to make herself look better. As soon and Adam arrived she treated him like crap the whole time. She did not give me one reason to like her. Adam kept being nice and she kept being a jerk.

    I would say the same thing about a guy if it was DJ Anna on Blind Date and a guy treated her like this.

    I don't watch a lot of Blind Date but it's often the guy acting like a jerk just trying to get some and I would diss them too.

    Plus, this is a general superficial thing that a lot of women do. The whole "I just want a nice smart guy who will make me laugh". For the most part that's total BS. It's just a like so they don't have to say "I fuck for looks and money".

    Guys do the same stupid shallow stuff. It's just like on here where we get these dumb posts of half naked women and dude's are like "oh her nose is a little to big". That' some stupid shallow shit to say about a girl who would never give you the time of day anyhow.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    why do you hate women

    he gets no butt dawg.

    Yea, any guy with a sence of self respect must not be getting any. Don't be silly......

  • "I fuck for looks and money "[/b]

  • why doPlus, this is a general superficial thing that a lot of women do. The whole "I just want a nice smart guy who will make me laugh". For the most part that's total BS. It's just a like so they don't have to say "I fuck for looks and money".

    Guys do the same stupid shallow stuff. It's just like on here where we get these dumb posts of half naked women and dude's are like "oh her nose is a little to big". That' some stupid shallow shit to say about a girl who would never give you the time of day anyhow.


    U MAD

    I know this may sound pecular coming from me, but dude ease up on the "bitch" talk. Sounds like an ex left you for a shallow dude.

  • Shirt is my ALMA MATER. WHAT WHAT!!Souvenir?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    why doPlus, this is a general superficial thing that a lot of women do. The whole "I just want a nice smart guy who will make me laugh". For the most part that's total BS. It's just a like so they don't have to say "I fuck for looks and money".

    Guys do the same stupid shallow stuff. It's just like on here where we get these dumb posts of half naked women and dude's are like "oh her nose is a little to big". That' some stupid shallow shit to say about a girl who would never give you the time of day anyhow.


    U MAD

    I know this may sound pecular coming from me, but dude ease up on the "bitch" talk. Sounds like an ex left you for a shallow dude.

    Not at all, I don't waste time with women like that. And really this whole site is consantly bitch this and gay that oh yea and here and naked pic of some girl I'm going to objectify and cut down. At least I saved for an appropriate reason. It's almost like you all are defending this girl just cuz you think she's cute even though she totally disprespected Guzzo.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    This thread is surreal

    out of curiousity does anyone with the technology to convert this to .mov or some other digital format have an actual copy of this?

  • why doPlus, this is a general superficial thing that a lot of women do. The whole "I just want a nice smart guy who will make me laugh". For the most part that's total BS. It's just a like so they don't have to say "I fuck for looks and money".

    Guys do the same stupid shallow stuff. It's just like on here where we get these dumb posts of half naked women and dude's are like "oh her nose is a little to big". That' some stupid shallow shit to say about a girl who would never give you the time of day anyhow.


    U MAD

    I know this may sound pecular coming from me, but dude ease up on the "bitch" talk. Sounds like an ex left you for a shallow dude.

    [quote[ And really this whole site is consantly bitch this and gay that oh yea and here and naked pic of some girl I'm going to objectify and cut down.

    I know, that's why I said "It may sound funny coming from me".

    but yo I think those hot pics threads are fucking kinda pathetic[/b]

    At least I saved for an appropriate reason. It's almost like you all are defending this girl just cuz you think she's cute even though she totally disprespected Guzzo.

    hahhahah, dude. I could give a fuck about that person. You can just say "she's corny" or whatever not have to call her a bitch. Our boy Guzzo ain't even mad.

    chills nills, i-ight.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,779 Posts
    Lauren: "So you're like a rapper?"
    Guzzo: "Yep... born and raised on the stuff."

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    At least I saved for an appropriate reason. It's almost like you all are defending this girl just cuz you think she's cute even though she totally disprespected Guzzo.

    hahhahah, dude. I could give a fuck about that person. You can just say "she's corny" or whatever not have to call her a bitch. Our boy Guzzo ain't even mad.

    chills nills, i-ight.

    [color:white] I think I may be breaksing some peoples hearts here but I think I should go ahead and let some folks know that a lot of Blind date is scripted and both the girl and I were doing this show as favors for other hollywood folk that we know. it was improvised for the most part, but no where near a true depiction of either of us [/color]

    carry on

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts

    At least I saved for an appropriate reason. It's almost like you all are defending this girl just cuz you think she's cute even though she totally disprespected Guzzo.

    hahhahah, dude. I could give a fuck about that person. You can just say "she's corny" or whatever not have to call her a bitch. Our boy Guzzo ain't even mad.

    chills nills, i-ight.

    Yea, that's cool. This is one of those it's the internet and we dont' really know each other things. I call someone a bitch maybe 2 times a year. It's not the kind of word I toss around lightly. This girl was beyond corney, she was rude, disrespectful and completly convinced she's better than others. That's what I save the b word from. I think too I'm a little pissy that people would still do the "I'd tap she has nice titties" thing after she showed how pathetic she is. No hate toward you Young!

  • At least I saved for an appropriate reason. It's almost like you all are defending this girl just cuz you think she's cute even though she totally disprespected Guzzo.

    hahhahah, dude. I could give a fuck about that person. You can just say "she's corny" or whatever not have to call her a bitch. Our boy Guzzo ain't even mad.

    chills nills, i-ight.

    [color:white] I think I may be breaksing some peoples hearts here but I think I should go ahead and let some folks know that a lot of Blind date is scripted and both the girl and I were doing this show as favors for other hollywood folk that we know. it was improvised for the most part, but no where near a true depiction of either of us [/color]

    carry on

    i'm sayin'. who the fuck tap dances on T.V.? [color:white] [/color]


    werd up

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,779 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I find it so odd that a video I up'd on youtube over 8 years ago get's re-upped many times even using the same title I used ha!

    The OG

    I see one is for a UK dating site haha

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Saw Guz a little while back, he was with a striking (and undoubtedly smart, funny and kind) woman who clearly thought he was the tops.
    Like a total ass first thing I say is something about Blind Date.
    StrikingSmartFunnyKind says "What????????".
    I'm like oops.

    Sorry Adam.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,779 Posts
     photo guzzodate.jpg

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I was just showing this to my coworkers last week!

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I think enough time has passed that I can now say that that video got guzzo laid at my wedding.

    So it wasn't a complete waste.

    The show I mean- not my wedding.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I'm realizing rhat I haven't seen guzzo in five years.

    IN fact it's been a while since I seen lots of you. Might be time for a soulstrut reunion...

  • I've managed to avoid the American Pie movies.

  • caicai spacecho 362 Posts
    That was so good. Big up Guzzo!
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