ripped shrinkwrap

TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
when you get an lp that still has the shrink on it but its like tearing off, do you just take it off? i never know if i should take it off or not, but it annoys me when the shrink is all flapping around and shit. just a nerd question


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    take that shit to dawg!

  • isnt it bad to have shrink wrap on records?

  • isnt it bad to have shrink wrap on records?

    Sometimes, but some of those just slide right off (if you pasue that it's YOUR problem). I keep some of them on, especailly if they got cool stickers.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    take shrink wrap off all raers hommie

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    take shrink wrap off all raers hommie
    seriously? whys that?

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Depends on how ripped it is. I try to keep it on, but there's always that moment when it becomes more work to keep it on, due to it rubbing up against something else and splitting even more.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    take shrink wrap off all raers hommie
    seriously? whys that?

    On the long run, sometimes a too tight shrink produces record wraps. I think.

  • take shrink wrap off all raers hommie
    seriously? whys that?

    On the long run, sometimes a too tight shrink produces record wraps. I think.
    You're right. Heat causes the shrink wrap to tighten up and consenquently this bends the record, causing a warp. Records that are SS are very susceptible to this as well.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    take shrink wrap off all raers hommie
    seriously? whys that?

    On the long run, sometimes a too tight shrink produces record wraps. I think.
    You're right. Heat causes the shrink wrap to tighten up and consenquently this bends the record, causing a warp. Records that are SS are very susceptible to this as well.

    Should I open all my stock copies of shrinkwrapped raers then?

  • take shrink wrap off all raers hommie

    seriously? whys that?

    On the long run, sometimes a too tight shrink produces record wraps. I think.

    You're right. Heat causes the shrink wrap to tighten up and consenquently this bends the record, causing a warp. Records that are SS are very susceptible to this as well.

    Should I open all my stock copies of shrinkwrapped raers then?

    Keep them shits away from the radiatar . I guess if it's away from heat and not high off of the ground, then you should be good. But you already knew that... BTW, I like your new avatar.

  • i always keep the shrink wrap on cause it protects the cover. i think once you crack it open it's not really susceptible to warping, the shrink wrap isn't on tight.

    this is a really nerdy thread. lol.

  • Did anyone read the last Scratch magazine (Just Blaze on the cover)? Da Beatminerz did an interview about this. Just saying...

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    haha did they really? what'd they have to say?

  • haha did they really? what'd they have to say?
    Same thing I said about shrink wrapped. That's where I got some of that knowledge from ...I remember when I still used to fuck with sandboxautomatic (wackest record store on the 'Net), I would get find that more than half of my records would be warped. Of course, they were the ones that were shrink wrapped...

  • yeah, i picked up a charisma 12" a couple months back and it was warped to shit. i was pretty sad.

  • If you want to keep the covers mint, keep the shrink on but take the record & inner out of the cover. Then file them side by side so the record opening is facing up. That way you don't have to pull them in and out of the covers every time you want to get at a record, AND the covers stay in... NEAR MINT CONDITION.


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    when you get an lp that still has the shrink on it but its like tearing off, do you just take it off? i never know if i should take it off or not, but it annoys me when the shrink is all flapping around and shit. just a nerd question

    no, i keep it the shrink wrap and put a sleeve over it. that way it looks more "authentic" and gangsta.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I always tear them off. Even if they're condition is immaculate.

    I put the records in nice plastic covers instead.

    + they've always bugged me. Don't know why.

  • I always tear them off. Even if they're condition is immaculate.

    I put the records in nice plastic covers instead.

    + they've always bugged me. Don't know why.

    cosign- can't explain it i just NEED to take them off. I've ocasionally steamed stickers off (carefully so the plastic doesn't just shrivel and melt) and stuck them on the blank 12" cover.

    Definition of nerd?

  • cosign- can't explain it i just NEED to take them off. I've ocasionally steamed stickers off (carefully so the plastic doesn't just shrivel and melt) and stuck them on the blank 12" cover.

    Definition of nerd?


  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I had a minor flood in my flat (apartment if you prefer) at weekend. Luckily id put most of my records in crates a week or so ago but there were still a few 12"s on the floor. The 1s still in shrink wrap survived & wernt damaged at all but the 1s without now have f'ed up covers. So may that be a warning to u all about the benefits of shrink wrap!

    The kris kross cover is ruined!!!
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