the post a dope DJ set post

TheBeatGoesTheBeatGoes 711 Posts
edited April 2005 in Strut Central
i'll start things off with some broken beat Titonton Duvante - Live at the Omnium (1 long mp3 thats a little over an hour...wish it was longer)RIYL: house, broken beat, dancing, musicmy first exposure to broken beat music was when my friend brough titonton down for a show and i was blow away. before seeing him i had on idea what broken-beat music was, and i thought that house DJays didn't work as hard as hiphop DJays....Titonton smashed all those misconceptions.watching him spin house sometimes looks like watching a hiphop battle DJ or something, and he's constantly just going balls-out with his as soon as a new record is on the platter he's putting it on and quickly beatmatching it on-the-fly, he's not wasting any time matching it in his headphones....ive heard that he doesnt like this set cause its just somethign that leaked from a live performance and has some imperfections....but i think this mix is tight as fuck...and just think this is one of his "sloppy live mixes"for the past couple years i have been trying to bite titonton's mixing style, i'm not really a house DJ though i'm one of those djays that does the mix everythign together style that's based in hiphop, even if it's not hiphop, that seems to be the thing that lots of DJays are doing soulstrut, what mixes do you keep around on your computer, feel free to post your own mixes but i think it would be more fun if you posted mixes other people do that you think are dope.


  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Post deleted by edpowers

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    You have perhaps the most annoying avatar of all time.

  • You have perhaps the most annoying avatar of all time.

    FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="">INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1113936850TheBeatGoes">

    Should I change my avatar?[/b]
    INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons">

  • the link works, i just did it without the http:// cause yousendit it tracks where the links come from, and if they all come from the same place they kill the link, if you cut and paste the link lasts longer

  • the vote is too close to call

    yes - 9
    no - 10

    but lets not get too far off topic, the real reason i made this post is to download mixes that others come on, whose going to post up a mix?


    check the mini-turntable movie.
    je t'aime le king des 45.

  • Dude. I love the dancing banana.

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    Rub 'N Tug mix

    Causing ruckus with the hipsters already, an official mix cd is due on Eskimo records soon.

  • that mix had some cool songs, but the mixing was really really really bad at more than a few parts. like when they would try to cut the volume off on beat, but it sounded like they just faded it in and out kinda close to the beat, or when they tried to "juggle" or played an entire doors song for no reason

    i dunno, maybe reading the word "hipster" made me wanna hate, but i listend to the entire thing...even the weird gaps of silence

    POLL UPDATE: tied 17 to 17, i didn't realize my avatar was such a divesive issue to the soulstrut massive. to the "no's" is that becuase you don't like it? or because it's getting old?

  • So I checked this out and decided this guy could use his headphones a little more often...and perhaps scratch a little less?

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    that tinoton mix was pretty unlistenable if you ask me... that over quantised broken shit really doenst do anything for me.. and frantic endless wickity wack scratchity scratchin isnt gonna make me appreciate anymore.

    rub n tug gettin the job done on the other hand.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    ok after listening to the full on Rub n Tug mix i must ponder.. were they drunk???

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    Most likely. You're referring to silence and wierd joints in the end ? Remember: they're idiot boys.

    Rub 'N Tug present Campfire (Eskimo 05/23/05)

  • i don't really know what 'idiot boys' means (sounds like the title of an as yet unwritten kylie minogue number) but yes. eric dunks stays wasted. good dude.
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