2 years ago this week

DenmarkVZDenmarkVZ 397 Posts
edited April 2005 in Soul Strut
was the first time I posted on SS.
I remember because it was the birthday of Charles Mingus.
People ignored that thread...
So I posted something about gay records or liking free jazz.
Then the bowlcut.

Big shout out to "real" worlders. I know I forgot some, but...

The DC crew:

Secert Chimp


dizzy bull
DJ Anna

not to mention many PMs, phone calls, trades and beefs.

I'm about to make some major life changes moving to Richmond, grad school, new job, etc...so I may not be on for a long while...


  • Can I have your Melanie LP before you leave???

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    happy anniversary, sweetie.

  • Them's not my rackkords. I'm just a little dude.

  • word um up man, I'll miss racing you to Adolf's new crates, hanging out, talking bout life/joking and drinking round town, spinning/making fun of the crowd, and discussing "ish" on the phone. We'll parlay some more before you go but I just thought I say as much.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    I'm about to make some major life changes moving to Richmond, grad school, new job, etc...so I may not be on for a long while...

    I would have to read this right after my post about coming out of a funk. What a way to spring this on your DC folks man. Well, I hope life and school do well by you. Get at your DC folk before you leave so we can send you out the right way with a serious band. I'ma tell you like O-Dog told Cain in "Menace to Society".

    Man, you'd be a fool to leave with this chick man......fuckin' sellout

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    I'm about to make some major life changes moving to Richmond, grad school, new job, etc...so I may not be on for a long while...

    I would have to read this right after my post about coming out of a funk. What a way to spring this on your DC folks man. Well, I hope life and school do well by you. Get at your DC folk before you leave so we can send you out the right way with a serious band. I'ma tell you like O-Dog told Cain in "Menace to Society".

    Man, you'd be a fool to leave with this chick man......fuckin' sellout

    We are gonna have to have a "Goodbye Fatback" get together at the Birdman Mount Rainier Compound. Carib Beer for everybody! Seriously, we'll make it happen if we can find a night nobody's DJ-ing(Strutters got the District on LOCK!).

    Congrats on the Anniversary!

  • I know you don't want to carry all of those heavy records down to Richmond. I say just pack up a a few crates of DJ material (for those high paying VCU frat gigs!) and leave the rest to me! I'll give you at least 50 cents each for em. Your back (and your girlfriend) will thank you!

  • good luck on your future endeavors man.

    your cynical ass comments on SS will be missed.

  • good luck on your future endeavors man.

    your cynical ass comments on SS will be missed.

    cynical? i was trying to be a prick.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Wow, is the dude in that pic my avatar's father?

    I remember the whole criticism of motown's reviews fiasco (not to dredge up old feuds), you definitely had shit poppin' off from the get go. Gotta respect a man who's so consistent.

    Best wishes in your future endeavors.

    Leo will be watching over you.

  • good luck on your future endeavors man.

    your cynical ass comments on SS will be missed.

    cynical? i was trying to be a prick.

    then prick it is.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    Richmond got records...keep it on lock.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Your taste in records is a perfect complement to your taste in coiffures.


  • Richmond got records...keep it on lock.


    Good luck in RVA, Fatback - I'll holler at you when you get settled in. It's only 2-3 hours from me and roadtrips are in fashion.

  • Options
    Good luck in your new digs, Frank.

    K in Canada.

  • Your taste in records is a perfect complement to your taste in coiffures.

    Don't front on Mickey Hart, bitch. He invented hip hop or "rap".

  • Your taste in records is a perfect complement to your taste in coiffures.

    Don't front on Mickey Hart, bitch. He invented hip hop or "rap".

    That ain't Mickey Hart.
    It's UK radio "personality" Jimmy Saville...

  • Richmond got records...keep it on lock.


    Good luck in RVA, Fatback - I'll holler at you when you get settled in. It's only 2-3 hours from me and roadtrips are in fashion.

    I'm givng up rackoardes and will gradually sell off my collection during gradschool. But I'm keeping the ECMs bitches.

  • hey, who's got some of the OG wu-girl pics for olde times?


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    The mind is in danger of boggling...

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    hey, who's got some of the OG wu-girl pics for olde times?

  • High five.

    Damn, I forgot about Wu-Krumar. That could have been Electrode's costume.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    hey, who's got some of the OG wu-girl pics for olde times?


  • We should start some kinda scholarship for her so she doesn't end up like Raekwon.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    We should start some kinda scholaship for her so she doesn't end up like Raekwon.

    hahahahaha. Surriously, that girl has the meanest i've ever seen. Steady hatin' on the camera guy.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    hi... can someone give me the who, why, where, whatthefuck regarding this picture?

    check out kid on the bottom left... 14 yr old been hittin that Tikal before practice

  • Alright alright... those aren't Frank's rackords!!

    That was some random shit in my room that either Mark or Frank put up as a joke and then took pictures of! Most of them had to be pulled from the "I don't know what I'm doing with these" stack...

    Errrybody know "I got rackords"....

  • Alright alright... those aren't Frank's rackords!!

    That was some random shit in my room that either Mark or Frank put up as a joke and then took pictures of! Most of them had to be pulled from the "I don't know what I'm doing with these" stack...

    Errrybody know "I got rackords"....

    it was Marc in an attempt to create a new market for post ECM Return to Forever.

    Scientology-favela breaks--sampled by Dizzy Bull

  • hey, who's got some of the OG wu-girl pics for olde times?

    That girl in the center is the scariest kind-of cute thing under 3 feet. seriously (besides really big spiders, of course. But wait they're not cute. ewww)
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