so i'm stuck in anaheim without a car, right?
14,705 Posts
until sunday, i'm here for work. if anyone wants to blow some shit up, lemme know... otherwise it's an HBO extravaganza. seriously folls, hit me up. i haven't had a television for over 6yrs, and i really don't know how they work. -matt
You're in no man's land...
Iron Monkey might chill with you though. Hit him up via PM.Speak of the devil
Lets do this shit!
all you east coast heads are def invited to come sit on the grill with us too...
Sounds like every place on Harbor blvd.
dude I might be down but Anaheim is making me cry. Is there anything going down in Irvine? Sushi, chinese, and boba for dayz. Jump on some airport shuttle, put it on the company card, M***.
aaaaight? hollar
that girl kristin is a man-eater. but i love her.
magic, you needs to hit up medievil times castle. great entertainment, good food, no silverware
i 3 cable guy