Something I designed for work

DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
Kind of like this piece. I could have done more with it but I got the assignment such last minute that I had to rush it. Just showing it off a little.Image hosted by


  • BTW, if any of you New Yorkers want to attend you gotta sign-up at and you are required to bring a date. Velvet rope policy in place. Dress up!

  • Nice work.

    and I'd Tap!


  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    what's the new york font, looks ill

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    your design is bottom heavy but cute

    let it breath or tweak the type? you got serif mayhem going up her skirt

    add a solid border to the fuzz, I'm feeling velveteen


    nice colors, but this party is supposed to be naughty right? the yellow up top is prolly too sunshiney

    -anal latency

  • serif mayhem going up her skirt

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