pulled over by sample police(ha ha)

edited September 2005 in Strut Central
how many of you ever got pulled over by the sample police?c'mon you know what im talking about!!!do you think sample police take kickbacks ?


  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    I got an invoice from Charleton Heston's Agent management, lawyer, whoever, for $2500[/b] which was due to be paid before we proceed with production of a free sampler that used parts of a narration he performed. Needless to say, we dropped the vocals.

    Worse still, my partner became paranoid about the d.c.a. and now refuses to use samples of any kind.

    So, you know? We haven't seriously worked together for about 3 years since. Pretty sad, actually.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    fuckin chuck heston

  • well that really bites the dust! ,hey you just saved a bunch of money by switching to keyboard sounds?!!?!?!?!?

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    I guess I just meant that I don't make music with him, period.

    As far as keyboards go, I did techno already, when I was a teenager.
    I'm over it now. I don't need to be making tracks with a supersaw wave, you know what I mean?

    No dis to modern hip hop (because I do appreciate a lot of stuff coming out now-a-days), but I refuse to compromise my own music for something fresh.

    I never have.

    Well alright, there was one time I backed up on bass for my friends VH cover band, but that was only once...... I SWEAR!!

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    Oh yeah, his change of heart also put a full 10 track length lp in the shitter because of the monatery threat.

    My advice to you, if you're going to use samples, for a demo to shop etc., don't even bother trying to clear them. You won't be able to afford it (unless you are independantly wealthy), and you've just given the publishers & record companies a complete profile of what to look for (i.e. you) if you don't take their offer.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    My advice to you, if you're going to use samples, for a demo to shop etc., don't even bother trying to clear them. You won't be able to afford it (unless you are independantly wealthy), and you've just given the publishers & record companies a complete profile of what to look for (i.e. you) if you don't take their offer.

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