do you find that message boards...

alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
kind of satisfy an aspect of your personal persona? i mean as u mature, you kinda ditch the friends you were just friends with just to have a good time. whatever habits you used to be into that kind of dictated your interests but now you are into different things. but still, even though you have evolved OR just have gotten interested into different things, there are people in your world into different things and even though they are quite virtual it gives you satisfaction? case in point, i was always in search of a chick thats really hardcore into music, that she breathes, bleeds and sheits music, but now, i just think, 'if you're into music cool, but if not,its all good too, cause i have some "virtual" aquaintances i can reminice or discuss music with, and even though you're only into top 40 stuff, i'm still down with you.' this extends beyond chicks, 20% of my friends i'd say are actually into the music i'm into. i think with the advent with the 'net, its like i can appreciate different people more, cause i don't hold them to standards of being into every single category i'm in to. y'all feel me, or is this just another drunken post that sinks to page 5 in 30 minutes?to be more concise, i'm saying the advent of message boards allow you to address your obsessions towards particular subjects, while engaging in a "normal", "healthy" relationship.cause i'm phucking telling you, there's no chicks that you make a mixtape for and they fall head over heals like that "high fidelity" movie.


  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    I've been doing the message boards since they were BBS's back in the day. Not a lot just the ones like this that catch my attention.

    Basically I like to talk but I hate people, so boards allow you to chat with out having to actually hang out with people you only have a little in common with.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    dude, i have no idea what you were trying to convey in this post

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    Basically I like to talk but I hate people, so boards allow you to chat with out having to actually hang out with people you only have a little in common with.

    B - cultivating anti-social habits? Lol...

    Alien -

    I've found that instead of exhausting and imposing my interests on friends and family who have little or no desire to know, better to spout endlessly (and stupidly @ times) on message boards devoted to the esoterica you're into - ever seen the excruciating boredom and annoyance written on people's faces (who could care less) when you drag them record hunting?

    So instead of just stewing about it, better to exchange conversation on media such as this and speak on other stuff w/ those around you...

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    dude, i have no idea what you were trying to convey in this post

    I think basically he's saying when you try to talk music in the real world peoples eyes glaze over. And as much as girls like music most of them don't want to talk about it and think you a nerd when you do.

    I've known a lot of cool people that have no idea who most of the groups are that I listen to.

    For last few posts. Most people wouldn't even know who Van Der Graf is. Try telling someone that the Scorpions were a lot better before all that "Rock You Like..." crap.

    I would say that their can be rare cases where a mixtape impresses a girl. I had it happen........once.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts

    cause i'm phucking telling you, there's no chicks that you make a mixtape for and they fall head over heals like that "high fidelity" movie.

    Years ago, I kept asking a girl out and she kept giving me the run-around. Then I made her a mix tape of some old joints she remembered from her childhood (mostly ZZ Hill and James Brown). I left it for her to find and she called me that night to go out.

    Of course things didn't work out between us, but once in a while you'll find a girl who appreciates that shit.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    A good portion of my friends were made through some music connection thing. I think it might be a bit harder to find people who are really into music as you get older because for many people it becomes disposable as they get older. Most of my close friends that are into music were friends since like high school and shit. And girls will appreciate a good mixtape, trust me.

    On semi-related note, at the cafe I work at, I select all of the music that is played and I've had insane amounts of girls coming up on some "omg what is this playing can you make me a cd" shit. That might be some help towards the "girl with good taste in music." Honestly, as long I can listen to Juelz Santana and Lil' Wayne with a girl, I don't give a shit what else she listens to.

  • cause I'm phucking telling you, there's no chicks that you make a mixtape for and they fall head over heals like that "high fidelity" movie.

    Really? That's how I met my current girlfriend, i.e.. the only girl I thought of as "marriage material" from the second i saw her. That was literally my first thought, next to, DAMN, she's fine! It was weak to give her a mixtape, and she didn't realize I was the DJ that night, which made for an awkward moment. She didn't seem impressed. Needless to say, that was 4 years ago and we are stronger than ever.

    p.w. rant over.

    As far as this message board thing goes, I'm torn. Sometimes I waste hours on this shit when i could be more productive. On the flip side, it allows me to find discussions that interest me. I get into conversations that aren't necessarily going on around me with my peers in the "real world". It's easier to find like minded folk spread across the globe, because lets face it. There aren't many of us. It's also a safe place, which leads to trollism, etc., but it's worth it. I usually laugh at that shit anyways.

    I have also met some real good friends on the internet. Some of which helped me when i broke my ankle last week. One guy I know from the web, actually drove my car to the hospital for me. I am usually wary of people on the net, though. there's a cat who lives a few blocks from me that i met on the Web a couple of years back. Still haven't felt like meeting the guy, kinda weirds me out.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    no, i hear y'all.

    i just think that sometimes i'm too snoby with girls being into the tunes i'm into. you ever tell a chick you're into early reggae music and she's like cool (and meanwhile u wanna bust some "prince buster" but she's all about the "sean paul" ish? its compromise compromise compromise but i guess it works out in the end.

  • Yeah, yeah. I get on that kick sometimes, but it is a bit snobby. I try to expose my lady to things. I don't want a female replica of me. Some of her music I have no respect for at all. Sometimes she's not feeling something, then a month later she's like "that's really good" "I know" replies me.

    Then I think of all the things i love about her. Our similar views on some major things. Things that are more important than musical taste, like, lifestyle, politics, domestic issues. Funny thing is, after being exposed to so much good music through me, she's lost her taste for some of her other styles music. She says it doesn't do it for her. It's gradual programming.

  • of course, then there's trying to interest your friends in the goings-on of a message board they could give two flying fucks about.

    "Oh man, then this one dude was all 'never that son' and it totaly wasn't a good look."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    On the mix tape deal...

    The first Mix tape I ever did for a gurl was back when DJ X had the main show in Toronto. X is a really good friend of mine, so I asked him to do this lil shout out to her. She was living in England at the time and I ended up recording it and starting off her mix tape with it.

    On the B-side I started off the tape with an intro done by DJ Serious. Her name was Jennifer, so he did a beat and cut de la - Jennifer oh jenny over it...

    The tape went over really well. Ended up dating for 6 years...

    Damn, that was wayyy back. I'd give almost anything to have that tape back.

    The last one I did for a gurl was a mix of current songs, but I used sample clips from all her favorite movies. Not as created as the first one... But we did end up getting engaged.

    If you build it. They will will come!

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    If you build it. They will will come!

    keeping my fingers crossed on this one

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    If you build it. They will will come!

    keeping my fingers crossed on this one

    But you mean more like

    If you build it. They will cum?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

    If you build it. They will will cum!

    keeping my fingers crossed on this one

  • i post on here because i like records and records is not something you can hold a convo down with a average person. i dont know about the gil/mixtape thing. my good friend said he got a dip back to the crib and she said "you got too many records/this is weird/i gotta go".

    so i would assume it aint a good thing with the hunnies. peace, stein. . .

  • Basically I like to talk but I hate people, so boards allow you to chat with out having to actually hang out with people you only have a little in common with.

    B - cultivating anti-social habits? Lol...

    In layman's terms he means not scaring and/or boring the shit out of people with a niche interest. For people on here it happens to be records. For other people it could be porn. Who knows.

    Really, there is a small group of people that have such a facination with topics like this, and your run of the mill friends will have nothing other than a cursory interest.

    It's understandable, that's why people join clubs, groups, etc.

    Think martial arts class. where do you go when you want to learn new shit and be around people with the same interests? Exactly.

    This just happens to be a subject that can be learned/discussed about in an online format (as opposed to martial arts, sort of)

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    i post on here because i like records and records is not something you can hold a convo down with a average person. i dont know about the gil/mixtape thing. my good friend said he got a dip back to the crib and she said "you got too many records/this is weird/i gotta go".
    so i would assume it aint a good thing with the hunnies. peace, stein. . .

    HA! I went and saw Ghost World with this girl and then we went back to my place and she kinda freaked cuz she thought I was on some Steve Bucheme steez!
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