Where to begin???
8,729 Posts
hey, I'm back. I have no idea where to begin reading. What have I missed?Also, who here has had problems getting mail forwarded to a new address. I did one of them change of address cards, but some raers that were in transient when I moved have gone MIA in the postal system.
and i don't think change of address forms will forward packages, no matter what those dicks at the post office told me. either that or i just completely stopped getting promos of bad indie rap records exactly when i moved, which i find hard to believe.
where you back from?
and regarding where to start:
start here!!!
but, really, I was kinda not feeling last season. I know you know.
Just moved to a swank new apartment in the epicenter of cool: Santa Rosa.
that's what I'm talkin' bout!
oh yeah!
Hey, you wanna meet up at the food court and cruise around SRM?
Really though, is "helping hearts" still around, and are there any records?
HOLY SHIT, how did I miss that thread!?
I somehow managed to laugh the banana I was eating right through my nose. Needless to say, no pictures.
What is helping hearts?
records have been real decent here so far. I'm sure SR has nothing on NYC, or San Francisco, but compared to the slim pickins in SoCal the last few years, I'm happy.
Funny terms for whacking it and taking a dump.
I finally got your package yesterday. the Digga is rad! have not checked the other two yet. Thanks!
holy shit reynaldo where are you getting all these ill psych records ? not stockton i hope...
you come down here ? we should hang out.