minimum wage

tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
is $5.15 in philly.hasn't gone up since 1997discuss


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Isn't it like $6.75 nationwide??

  • governor schwarznegger vetoed a bill that would have raised minimum wage in california. nuff said about that guys priorities.


  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    yeh its $6.75 or $6.50 nationally... something in there. Even so its horrible and doesn't fuckin work. Its fuckin shameful that companies will not pay a decent living wage. Unforgiveable really.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Well, a lil googling and I saw you're right...$5.15 IS the fed minimum wage, which is can't feed a cat for that...$6.75 is the minimum in my home state of Taxachusetts...

  • heres a chart, broken down by state

  • is $5.15 in philly.
    hasn't gone up since 1997


    $5.15 is pretty low. when i was applying for jobs back in the dead zone recession years of 91-92 minimum wage was about $5.00

    meanwhile gas prices have gone from about 1.20 in 91 to 3.10 in 2005.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    governor schwarznegger vetoed a bill that would have raised minimum wage in california. nuff said about that guys priorities.


    Fuck Schwarzenegger... i couldn't vote in that election but the fact he even was elected says alot about the mentality of people. I don't think that fool will make it another term. he has pissed off alot of factions in the state.

  • heres a chart, broken down by state

    kansas' minimum wage is $2.65/hour. no wonder they vote republican

  • governor schwarznegger vetoed a bill that would have raised minimum wage in california. nuff said about that guys priorities.


    Fuck Schwarzenegger... i couldn't vote in that election but the fact he even was elected says alot about the mentality of people. I don't think that fool will make it another term. he has pissed off alot of factions in the state.

    how come you couldn't vote ? his approval rating is about 37 percent, even lower than bush's


  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    Fuck Schwarzenegger...

    Fuck Schwarzenegger...

    Fuck Schwarzenegger...

    Fuck Schwarzenegger...

    Fuck Schwarzenegger...

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    It's like $8.50 or something in San Francisco. Elsewhere I believe it's like $5.75 in California which I thought was the national minimum wage.

  • $5.15 is the federal minimum wage. Some cities/states have higher minimum wages that are enacted through local legislation.

  • is $5.15 in philly.
    hasn't gone up since 1997


    Some Americans complain about welfare, and think that those on it are lazy people who refuse to get jobs because they get government checks. Then when those on welfare get jobs, they are paid minimum wage which keeps them in and out of the poverty line, forcing many to go back to welfare. Employers refuse to raise their wages because they think that if they do, their employees won't work as hard.
    This is just fucked up victorious capitalism, where bottom lines and profit margins are what matter most.

  • is $5.15 in philly.
    hasn't gone up since 1997


    Some Americans complain about welfare, and think that those on it are lazy people who refuse to get jobs because they get government checks. Then when those on welfare get jobs, they are paid minimum wage which keeps them in and out of the poverty line, forcing many to go back to welfare. Employers refuse to raise their wages because they think that if they do, their employees won't work as hard.
    This is just fucked up victorious capitalism, where bottom lines and profit margins are what matter most.

    these dumb motherfuckers need to be told that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything. at least that's what someone told me on here last week.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    fall back broken soul

    oh and read up on your read ups before you decide to retell history to fit your views

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    Minimum wage is llllllllong overdue for a rise. Especially with gasoline going up so much. People that rely on their cars to commute or people that use their cars for their jobs (delivery people) are getting hit hhhhhhard.

    Does anyone here work as a pizza delivery person? What do you do about gas? Do all your tips pay for it now? Is the pizza place giving you a gas stipend?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    fall back broken soul

    oh and read up on your read ups before you decide to retell history to fit your views

    You girls need to take it outside, and leave the rest of us alone!

  • these dumb motherfuckers need to be told that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything. at least that's what someone told me on here last week.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    2005 HHS Poverty Guidelines
    Persons in
    Family Unit 48 Contiguous
    States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii
    1 $ 9,570 $11,950 $11,010
    2 12,830 16,030 14,760
    3 16,090 20,110 18,510
    4 19,350 24,190 22,260
    5 22,610 28,270 26,010
    6 25,870 32,350 29,760
    7 29,130 36,430 33,510
    8 32,390 40,510 37,260
    For each additional
    person, add 3,260 4,080 3,750

    This means a person living alone, working full time without a day off will be just above the poverty rate. If they pay 33% of their wages on rent (about $300 a month) that leaves them $138.00 a week for utilities, health care, transportion and food. WELCOME TO AMERICA!

    The 1996 amendments increased the minimum wage to $4.75 an hour on October 1, 1996, and to $5.15 an hour on September 1, 1997. The amendments also established a youth sub minimum wage of $4.25 an hour for newly hired employees under age 20 during their first 90 consecutive calendar days after being hired by their employer;

    That means that kids working summer jobs get $4.25 an hour.

    revised the tip credit provisions to allow employers to pay qualifying tipped employees no less than $2.13 per hour if they received the remainder of the statutory minimum wage in tips

    That means that if you work for tips your employeer can manipulate your wage to keep your wage plus tips at minimum wage.

    Employees in the agriculture industry are exempt from the overtime requirements.
    Any employer who does not use more than 500 ???man days??? of farm labor during any calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year is exempt from paying the minimum wage. A ???man day??? is defined when an employee performs at least one hour of work.
    Agricultural employees who are members of the immediate family of the employer are not covered by the standard.
    Those principally employed on the range for production livestock are exempt from the minimum wage standard.
    Local hand harvest laborers who commute daily from their permanent residence and are paid on a piece rate basis in traditional piece-rated occupations, and who were engaged in agriculture less than 13 weeks during the preceding calendar year, are exempt from the minimum wage standard.
    Non-local minors under the age of 16, who are hand harvesters and paid on a piece rate basis in traditional piece-rated occupations, employed on the same farm as their parents, and paid the same rate as those over the age of 16 are exempt from the minimum wage requirement.

    That means that there is no minimum wage for migrant farm workers.

    Tony, what is up with PA? I thought you were a big union state.

    By the way current Oregon minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.


  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    governor schwarznegger vetoed a bill that would have raised minimum wage in california. nuff said about that guys priorities.


    Fuck Schwarzenegger... i couldn't vote in that election but the fact he even was elected says alot about the mentality of people. I don't think that fool will make it another term. he has pissed off alot of factions in the state.

    how come you couldn't vote ? his approval rating is about 37 percent, even lower than bush's


    I was registered in NC and had just claimed residency in CA when the vote went down.

  • That means that there is no minimum wage for migrant farm workers.

    Tony, what is up with PA? I thought you were a big union state.

    dan, we have a strong republican legislature in this god forsaken state. you do the math.

    $5.15 minimum wage = modern day share cropping subsistance living

    if those tax cutting "put more money in your pockets" scumbags weren't a bunch of damned hypocrites, they'd lift that shit.

    i got a big frown on my face right now

    what the fuck is up with kansas, s.carolina and tennessee????

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    That means that there is no minimum wage for migrant farm workers.

    Tony, what is up with PA? I thought you were a big union state.

    dan, we have a strong republican legislature in this god forsaken state. you do the math.

    $5.15 minimum wage = modern day share cropping subsistance living

    if those tax cutting "put more money in your pockets" scumbags weren't a bunch of damned hypocrites, they'd lift that shit.

    i got a big frown on my face right now

    what the fuck is up with kansas, s.carolina and tennessee????

    They have the same minimum wage as you, i think. The difference is yours is mandated by the state as well as the feds, theirs is mandate only by the feds. That's my guess.


  • is $5.15 in philly.
    hasn't gone up since 1997


    Some Americans complain about welfare, and think that those on it are lazy people who refuse to get jobs because they get government checks. Then when those on welfare get jobs, they are paid minimum wage which keeps them in and out of the poverty line, forcing many to go back to welfare. Employers refuse to raise their wages because they think that if they do, their employees won't work as hard.
    This is just fucked up victorious capitalism, where bottom lines and profit margins are what matter most.

    i totally think the wage should be increased by a lot say to 11 dollars an hour. but the thing is the logic of the companies is if they raise wages they will go out of business. then you won't have a job at all.

    of course now we have the thing where companies can threaten to go overseas to third world countries(where the wages are even lower) to break unions and keep people working for pitance.

    i also have a big frown on my face.

  • sometimes i have to hang my head in shame

    my regards to n***y

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    My first job back in 1989 I made $3.35/hr (minimum wage back then)

    While working that job minimum wage was raised to $3.80 an hour but companies that didn't gross more than $250,000 a year didn't have to meet that raise immediately. So my boss met me half-way and gave me $3.50/hr. Ain't that a bitch. Luckily I've come a long way since then. I can definitely feel for those that are working for minimum wage though.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    sometimes we have to hang our heads in shame

    The US has the highest child poverty rate among first world countries. Louisiana has higher infant mortality rate than Cuba. If I'm right the % of Americans in poverty has gone up 4% since Bush took office.


  • minimum wage for garment workers in American Samoa,



    Keep in mind that garments made by these slaves can be legally labeled "Made in the USA".

  • Options
    This is what it is in Ontario

    * General Workers Minimum Wage - $7.45 per hour

    * Liquor Server Minimum Wage - $6.50 per hour. Applies to employees serving liquor directly to customers in licensed premises as a regular part of their work).

    * Student Minimum Wage - $6.95 per hour (Note: Applies to students under age 18. If more than 28 hours a week are worked during the school year, the General Minimum Wage applies to all hours worked in that week.)

    * Homeworkers Minimum Wage - $8.20 per hour or 110 per cent of the general minimum wage. (Note: This wage applies to all homeworkers whether they are full-time or part-time, or students under 18 years of age).

    * Hunting and Fishing Guides are paid for blocks of time, not by the hour. They get a minimum amount for working less than five consecutive hours in a day, and a different minimum amount for working five hours or more in a day-whether or not the hours are consecutive. For working less than five consecutive hours in a day: $37.25. For working five hours or more in a day: $74.50.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    kansas' minimum wage is $2.65/hour. no wonder they vote republican

    The federal minimum is $5.15. So everyone is guaranteed $5.15, and then if a state or locality would like to raise it beyond that they can (and sometimes do). On the other hand, $2.65 doesn't mean anything, it just means they didn't feel like moving it above the federal $5.15 line (the default).

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i totally think the wage should be increased by a lot say to 11 dollars an hour. but the thing is the logic of the companies is if they raise wages they will go out of business. then you won't have a job at all.

    of course now we have the thing where companies can threaten to go overseas to third world countries(where the wages are even lower) to break unions and keep people working for pitance.

    i also have a big frown on my face.

    In the end consumer's aren't willing to pay for the difference.

    Everyone wants goods that are as inexpensive as possible (while still reasonable in quality). Because they can pay 25 cents a day elsewhere pretty much fucks us, because no one is going to take a stand and pay $50 for a pack of Haines underwear just to have it made in the US.

    Also keep in mind that in a global marketplace, with as much importing and exporting going on as there is, there's no way the US could be competitive for most shit. Why? Because in most other countries, working for pennies is the norm and they feel no grief about it.

    We're the Beverly Hills / CEO of the world.
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