Night Crew

parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
edited April 2005 in Soul Strut
What's happenin? Why are you on soulstrut on Friday night? My excuse- I have to work tomorrow. So I'm listenin to rakkords and drinkin a couple of tall boys. Whatcha got planned for this weekend? Baking cakes with Chad? Bustin real world moves? Entertain me batches, I'm bored!!


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    The night crew??? has been WEAK lately. You know who you are. I'm always on here friday nights because A. I have no life, and B. I get up early for the flea market on Sat. So, I suppose it's a combination of "real world moves" & lack there of.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    The_Mack is on the night crew tonite!!!!!

    stayed in tonite and watched a couple flixs. just watched Thief. GREAT MOVIE!

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Did the_mack??? get minnie riperton cover?

  • My friends are wack. I cannot wait to move to chicago. I have a headache and i been up since 7a.m. Im sitting here opening up packs of donkey kong trading cards. I got an unopened box from the bay for 5 bucks. Contemplating eating a piece of this 23 year old gum.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    YES DUDE! got it today, meant to PM you. thanks so much bro! i owe you one

  • man, I have to rearrange my storage landlord stopped by earlier, said that I was taking more than my alotted share of the space. So, a lot of post 10pm moving of musty record boxes tonight for me.

    Drinking. Coffee. Now. Jeff Perry was peeking out of my record bag earlier, finally.

    Had an argument. Told my daughter I loved her and it's ok to make mistakes. Ate soup and a bagel with pepped tomatoes. Took out the trash. Recycled some wood and screws from a futon frame I was gonna chuck.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    YES DUDE! got it today, meant to PM you. thanks so much bro! i owe you one

    no problem, douwwwweeed.

  • Oh yeah, did my first 1040 for ebaying/djing...I am actually am gonna get a refund??!!

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Oh yeah, did my first 1040 for ebaying/djing...I am actually am gonna get a refund??!!

    What an honest dude you are!

  • Earned Income/Child Tax Credit/Expenses/Home-As-Business/Low Income/Truth

  • yer dude

    i am just back from sushi.

    i am about to go into the garage and shred through some boxes. i need to sort some shit. mole im a gonna find you a mardell and crink im a gonna find you a kupka.

    maybe not tonight.

    got a mardell on my rock auction if you wanna bid.

    i will trade it or whatever.

    shred it!


  • joe thrift store moldy armpits internet horder

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Why are you on soulstrut on Friday night?

    'Cause I'm too fuckin' tired from the work week, that's why!!

    I'm likely going out tomorrow, but I'm keepin' a low profile tonite.

  • Any Mal Sharpe records? (with Coyle or not)

  • Child Tax Credit

    i am looking forward to this...

    ( more so my child ).

    is this a good deal? hows it work?

  • Any Mal Sharpe records? (with Coyle or not)

    who dat? i know Al Sharpton.

  • Oh yeah, did my first 1040 for ebaying/djing...I am actually am gonna get a refund??!!


    Nah - I didn't get my shit done til yesterday so I'm fully with the taking the maximum alotted time to file your shit.

    I drank A LOT of beer last night, so I'm sitting this one out. Listened to the A's lose to Anaheim on the radio. At lease Zito looked good for the first time this year. Getting up early (for me anyway) to do some tailgating at the Coliseum tomorrow. Baseball is BACK!

    Peaceful Ro you going to The Breaks tomorrow night? I might swoop by...

  • Right now, CTC is up to 1000 (off yaxes) for each related child depending on your earnings and the relation to the child.

    Earned income credit is even better, I think it was around a 1500 credit. I could only claim these for my natural born son, even though I supported my fiance's daughter as my own. So, we will be moving the wedding day up if you know what I mean.

  • Peaceful Ro you going to The Breaks tomorrow night? I might swoop by...


    Yes, I will be down there selling records and spending the money on Heineken.

  • working on a letter to my sister.

    she's in lesotho with the peace corp. she just asked my opinion about getting married to a dude out there, bringing him home with her.

    smokin a fatty, going through a crate, check a flic later. gonna be on a mellow one tonight.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    TheMack- you should be at a kegger mackin on hotties.

    Crink- how early do you wake up to go to the flea?

    AP- your raps are coming along quite nicely, your ebay auctions are stressing me out this week though.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    Crink- how early do you wake up to go to the flea?

    Six - which is way early for me, but I guess pretty relaxed when I hear the East Coasters talk about this stuff...

    Oh yeah, you all should bid on this...

    it is swell! I smiled so much when I first heard it that my face hurt for a while after.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    I only want it if it has Janis Ian like breakz though.

  • Peaceful Ro you going to The Breaks tomorrow night? I might swoop by...


    Yes, I will be down there selling records and spending the money on Heineken.

    Cool - I need to spend money on beer and records right now like I need a hole in the head, but I think I will shoot down there and see what y'all got nevertheless.

    the blankets come off at 10 sharp?

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I only want it if it has Janis Ian like breakz though.


  • the blankets come off at 10 sharp?

    haha BLANKETS?

    never that (formal) son!

    But yeah around 10ish, it will be mellow

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    drinking absinthe by myself and writing a letter that should have been finished a long time ago.

    what do i win?

  • Why am I home on a Friday night? Well, other than it being 2am... I guess it's because I'm getting old and my friends are all getting married and having kids, which means they're not allowed to come out and play.

    So...the first half of my evening consisted of going to K-Mart and then Target with my mom. Aww yeah! But damn, let me tell you, Targets is FILLED with hot college girls these days, so I wasn't hating that. Second part of my night, I hit up a friend's house and we played Halo 2. Woohoo, excitement central!

    And now it's 2am so I'm home to get my pr0n on, baby.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Yes, you win. And Tuff Gong, is pron porn?!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I'm groggy as fuck. Mr. Sandman snipered me as soon as I got home from work and now 3 hours later I'm feeling like a baby bird fresh out the egg. Looking all awkward and shit trying to adjust to the light and get my bearings.

    My best friend Cl**dia is in town from Puerto Rico and I really need some one-on-one time with her. It seems like my crew is in a downward spiral these days. Doing nothing with their lives, spending their days drunk & depressed. As a result, their depression is slowly consuming me. Fortunately, I don't drink. But sex & psuedo-relationships are my vice. You're fucking the pain away. That's what Cl**de says. She's right. She wants me to meet her at some new bar tonight but I'm feeling very anti-social. But she leaves tomorrow and she needs to entertain her other town folks before she bounces. I can't have her all to myself tonight. I'm trying to put my (fake) game face on, but I know I'm gonna be detached if I go.

    Thanks for letting me vent, SoulStrut.

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