What did you do this weekend?

DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
I threw a major BBQ at my place in San Francisco. A 15 gallon keg, lots of meats and foods, dancing, hot chicks everywhere, etc. etc. etc. Started at noon and didn't end until around 11PM. Weather was fantastic for San Franicsco. Warm and sunny all day. Had a triple heaping of drama at the end of the night but was otherwise a success. I couldn't sleep at all (happens when I eat lots of meat and drink lots of beer) and have been running strong since around 8AM Sunday. No sleep at all. Some of my friends are still crashed out at my place as I type this at work.Note to self; next year throw your labor day party on Saturday or Sunday.


  • Pulled out some old Nola r&B 45's to listen to, subsequently cried a lot. Did some grocery shopping with my son. Checked out Ross and Nick on Friday night, got real drunk...that was the only time this weekend I actually got mind mind off of the sadness for a lil' bit. Rest of the time was spent filtering records out of my stash to hopefully helt to get us out of debt.

  • bbq as well. drank plenty of beer, played records, and killed dudes at bocce ball.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    ate left-over pasta, drank good wine, cried a couple of times watching the NO footage, yelled at the TV watching the NO footage, worked at the reckid store, played records out, drank, smoked, did drugs, laughed, danced, saw a fight, hung out with friends til wee hours in the backyard, laundry, went to the Ex, went to my parents' with my BF and bro and ate til I couldn't eat anymore, watched Return of the Jedi with them, more laundry, dishes, other chores, read, listened to a lot of records.

  • got high

    saw randy weston and mccoy tyner play

    got drunk

    got high

    went to a gay bar

    got high

    ate tacos

    got really high

    went back to work

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    saw randy weston and mccoy tyner play

    This is great.

    I just went sailing.

  • Wedding Crashers... Ferrari style. (Although I was invited)

    The only non alcoholic drink I had all weekend.

    All I wanna do is dance, dance, dance

    En Fuego

    DJ Ferrari

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I was in Chicago chillin. I Saw body worlds exhibit and sat on the beach next to Dr. GUnther Von Hagens.

    Oh then went to dustygroove and laughed at their prices for VG- records.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

  • ZeusZeus 162 Posts
    I didn't do a damn thing...and it was everything I thought it could be!

  • crashed a party in hayes valley

    hit up the bar "amber" on 14th and laughed at hipsters

    ended up at the elbow room

    fought/made up with my ex

    jumpstarted my car

    hollered at my boy for his birthday the next day

    ended up back at the elbow room sunday night

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Amazed by the showing of support with the HEATROCKS on Friday, got a haircut and coffee with my ladyfriend. Got home early, couldn't sleep. Watched OC Season 2. Ate too much hummus, stella artois, vitaminwater, and hit the parking lot running at 6 am. Didn't come up too hard but found a few things for cheap. Chilled a little, watched more O.C. Went to a party and put records on the host's stereo (no no dj) ate too much thai and had too much beck's and stella. Got home, slept for a few and ran the parking lot again, turning up non raers. Did laundry, helped my dad put together a bookshelf for my sis, and chilled with the folks. Returned home, cleaned, and had a nice night with the ladyfriend. Got up early, did breakfast, and voila.

  • crashed a party in hayes valley

    What day was this? My party was in the Hayes too.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts

    That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

  • moped

    crashed a sciarc party

    got hit on by a drunk white girl

    ate frog legs and lobster

    threw up at karaoke box

    hung out with parents and relatives


    drank some peruvian alcohol drink with egg whites and cinnamon

    watched celine dion on cnn


    chanted funeral sutras with the family

    changed a flat tire

    some old dude bought me a round of drinks


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    crashed a sciarc party

    got hit on by a drunk white girl

    Rael LA haedz nose the deelez

  • cried a couple of times

    • File Under: Things I didn't do this weekend:[/b]
    • Get raped in a football stadium
    • Get shot by National Guardsmen
    • Wade through sewage for hours looking for my family
    • Go without food, water, or shelter
    • Break into a store trying to feed my hunger(s)
    • Move dead bodies away from my kids
    • Take a 20-hour bus ride to a city where no one was waiting for me
    • Die underwater
    • Take shit for granted

  • Hung out with skinheads and gogo girls on Saturday night:


    On the way home afterwards, I crunk-called Rosshogg's voicemail to tell him about the amazing reggae 45s I had just played. I went to sleep at 4am only to have wifey wake me up at 8:30am for the flea market. Between us, we found these for $7:

    Jodi Gales: You Gotta Push / Inst. 45 Thomas
    Debarge: I Like It / Hesitated 45 Gordy
    The Jones Girls: You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else45 Philadelphia Int'l
    NCCU: Freak / Superstar 45 Saxony (VG- dammit)
    The Flaming Ember: Mind Body & Soul / Filet De Soul 45 Hot Wax
    Gene Faith: Family Man / My Baby's Missing 45 Virtue
    Bickett: Coming High pt. 1 & 2 45 (promo) Casablanca
    Kool & The Gang: Jungle Boogie / NESW 45 De-Lite
    Roger Hallmark: A Message to Khomeini / Maharishi 45 Vulcan
    David Bryant: Black Pride (for SCLC Black Expo 71) 45 Astral

    The American Breed: Bend Me, Shape Me LP Acta
    Stevie Wonder: Up-Tight LP Tamla
    The Box Tops: Dimensions LP Bell
    The Illusions: s/t LP Steed
    The Tams: Hey Girl Don't Bother Me! LP ABC

    Then I DJ'd at the upscale club Sunday night, where someone asked the manager for the music to be turned up when I played J. Santana "Mic Check." But the DJ-wannabe manager took over at midnight so I went to the other club with Cowbwoy where our peoples were playing disco, boogie & house. There I caught up with this girl Yolanda whom I hadn't seen in 20 years.

    Monday wifey and I enjoyed the weather and she made Thai ginger noodles with spiced tofu and steamed broccoli which we ate while watching our HARDY BOYS MYSTERIES DVD.

    I just ate the leftovers for lunch and my breath is nice and garlic-laden. Don't get close.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I get so weirded out when skins show up to my gigs. I know they're not that[/b] type of skinhead, I mean I hope and pray they're not, but the whole para-military thing freaks me out. I'm sorry if these guys are your friends, but do you know what mean?

  • crashed a sciarc party

    got hit on by a drunk white girl

    Rael LA haedz nose the deelez

    i am not a rael LA haed cuz i did not know the deele on this one. sciarc is a bunch of rich kids sniffing coke and studying architecture? that's all i could gather.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    cried a couple of times

    • File Under: Things I didn't do this weekend:[/b]
    • Get raped in a football stadium
    • Get shot by National Guardsmen
    • Wade through sewage for hours looking for my family
    • Go without food, water, or shelter
    • Break into a store trying to feed my hunger(s)
    • Move dead bodies away from my kids
    • Take a 20-hour bus ride to a city where no one was waiting for me
    • Die underwater
    • Take shit for granted

    I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking along those same lines.

    It seems people have been to quick to try and wipe these images from their minds.
    And this is not something any of us should ever forget.
    Sorry if I brought this thread down but I felt guilty enjoying myself in the midst of all this.

  • I get so weirded out when skins show up to my gigs. I know they're not that[/b] type of skinhead, I mean I hope and pray they're not, but the whole para-military thing freaks me out. I'm sorry if these guys are your friends, but do you know what mean?

    I know exactly what you mean. I grew up in the NC hardcore scene around 1985-88 and back then, with the exception of 1 or 2 dudes, all the skins in the scene were drunk & violent Fort Bragg jarheads who wouldn't hesitate to beat up anybody in the club smaller than them, including the band.

    Luckily, the skins who come to our gigs are our most loyal customers, they dig soul music, dig reggae even more, are almost all completely friendly & well-behaved. In fact, those two guys pictured are about as mild-mannered as they come!! And as far as I've seen, the local skins have no more racist leanings, at least no more than your average white dude. That said, we have had two fights at the club over our 3 years doing our SOLID! soul night, and both of them were instigated by skins (but against other white dudes). Still, 2 fights in 3 years is a pretty good record, and our friend Jeff (the brother in the porkpie hat in the last pic in the gallery) is pals with the skins and shows up every month, saying our night "is the best thing going in Durham."

    Besides, we're in Durham - the SanFran of the Carolinas! DONT BE SCURRED!

  • Options

    I swear I've seen that symbol utilized in dude's belt buckle somewhere before??? German army???


  • Options
    middle flag

    K in Canada.

  • I hung out with my homegirl from SF who came into town for a few days. Background: I've known this girl for a few years, and have been trying to pap since the first day. But our relationship has been papless. Definite energy and good times and she is BANGING but no pap.

    Went out Thurs, Fri, and last night. Drinking, dancing, dining. She was rolling with a friend of hers, who was cute but not down for the double dutch bus. Hattoire De Rigeur. Last night we shut down Lavagna (two blocks from the shoppe)... the table next to us was Drew Barrymore. And she was not as hot as I wanted her to be.

    Finally papped though.

  • middle flag

    It's an iron cross, no doubt. But in 2005, iron crosses are pretty much just a fashion statement adored equally by skinheads, bikers, skateboarders, The Stooges, The Hellacopters, about a fafillion garage bands in California, not to mention leagues of under-16 Hot Topic customers.

  • Finally papped though.

    You annoyed someone so much that they banned you from their Myspace page, yet created a holiday in your honor?

  • Finally papped though.

    You annoyed someone so much that they banned you from their Myspace page, yet created a holiday in your honor?

    in a nutshell, yes

  • Options
    middle flag

    It's an iron cross, no doubt. But in 2005, iron crosses are pretty much just a fashion statement adored equally by skinheads, bikers, skateboarders, The Stooges, The Hellacopters, about a fafillion garage bands in California, not to mention leagues of under-16 Hot Topic customers.

    The skins I knew in the early 80's who wore iron crosses did it for a reason. If I were a skin familiar with the stereotypes (which I were not part of), I wouldn't be wearing Nazi paraphenalia whether it's passed into pop culture or not.

    Just my opinion.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    they dig soul music, dig reggae even more, are almost all completely friendly & well-behaved.

    I would describe the dudes who I see at my nights (now and then) like that, too. And like you said, this feeling is the residue from days of youth when this look was the choice of racist thugs. It's hard to shake. That, combined with the big boots, the bombers, the haircut, the tucked in shirt...it all just makes me feel ill at ease. The guys I'm thinking of are also the type of guys who hang really close to the booth and that weirds me out even more...ok, ok, I'm projecting.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Watched Fatal Attraction & Four Rooms with my mom. Had a family dinner. Chatted about project blowed with anasarcasm. Slept.
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