R&B Sample/Track ID help needed
First post here. Glad I found this great community and it's not going to shut down.
I'm curious if anybody can identify the song that is sampled/chopped up here in this song called "Free Roam" by Professor Creepshow? It's got an 80's/90's R&B vibe to it, but it also might be on something like a smooth jazz release based on that little guitar break in the middle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm curious if anybody can identify the song that is sampled/chopped up here in this song called "Free Roam" by Professor Creepshow? It's got an 80's/90's R&B vibe to it, but it also might be on something like a smooth jazz release based on that little guitar break in the middle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

or have we matured as a community?
Yeah, I feel like we’re past clonning on the Timmys and dem “folls and idoits”
That aside, I can’t identify the sample. It sounds too indistinct to me.
I tried a bunch of other routes before coming here. I just figured somebody in this community might recognize it due to the content being right up your alleys.
I haven’t been on the-breaks in over a decade and didn’t realize it was even still online. I will try their forum next, so thanks for the tip and thanks to anybody who listened and tried to see if they could identify it.
I made a legit attempt to ID, but that sound is out of my wheelhouse. Dope tune, but I’m stumped.
Also, welcome!
I thought we might have to update the gremlin to
"Take that shit to who sampled"
But yeah I have no idea what that sample is either, sorry.
Thanks for trying.
Re: the-breaks - Ya the site is still online but it's super broken. The search doesn't work and neither do most of the links on there, but there is still a working forum that a small handful of people occasionally post to.