R&B Sample/Track ID help needed

ComaComa 5 Posts
First post here. Glad I found this great community and it's not going to shut down.

I'm curious if anybody can identify the song that is sampled/chopped up here in this song called "Free Roam" by Professor Creepshow? It's got an 80's/90's R&B vibe to it, but it also might be on something like a smooth jazz release based on that little guitar break in the middle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Are we still doing 
    or have we matured as a community? 

  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    kicks79 said:
    Are we still doing 
    or have we matured as a community? 

    Yeah, I feel like we’re past clonning on the Timmys and dem “folls and idoits”

    That aside, I can’t identify the sample. It sounds too indistinct to me. 


  • ComaComa 5 Posts
    Sorry guys, being new here l didn’t realize sample ID requests were considered faux pas. You guys have dedicated a whole ass emoji for this situation (lol) so I know it’s serious and I promise I won’t make a habit of it.

    I tried a bunch of other routes before coming here. I just figured somebody in this community might recognize it due to the content being right up your alleys.

    I haven’t been on the-breaks in over a decade and didn’t realize it was even still online. I will try their forum next, so thanks for the tip and thanks to anybody who listened and tried to see if they could identify it.

  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    Nah, dude, it’s all good.

    I made a legit attempt to ID, but that sound is out of my wheelhouse. Dope tune, but I’m stumped. 

    This board used to clown pretty hard on people who never bothered to intro themselves and made demands about ID’ing stuff. That’s in the past though haha.

    Also, welcome!

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    The breaks is still online? that's wild. 
    I thought we might have to update the gremlin to
    "Take that shit to who sampled" 
    But yeah I have no idea what that sample is either, sorry. 

  • ComaComa 5 Posts
    kicks79 said:
    The breaks is still online? that's wild. 
    I thought we might have to update the gremlin to
    "Take that shit to who sampled" 
    But yeah I have no idea what that sample is either, sorry. 

    Thanks for trying.

    Re: the-breaks - Ya the site is still online but it's super broken. The search doesn't work and neither do most of the links on there, but there is still a working forum that a small handful of people occasionally post to.

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