some fucked up shit...

djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
DAMN! I saw some real fucked up shit tonight here in Japan... whilst Japan's a pretty peaceful place, there are some real fucking weird introverted social fucking outcasts who are just weird. I've copped my fair share of weirdos staring at me and making weird grunts cuz I'm speaking in English. I usually don't play it no mind as Japan is a fairly backwards society when it comes to Western culture (believe it or not). I've witnessed two old ladies looking at an african teenager and pointing and commenting on him for a 9 minute train ride, like he was a lion at the zoo... some people just don't understand what's cool and what's not and just act a fool like king tee. I've encountered these idiots many times before and my Japanese tend to refer to this "class" of people as "WEIRD JAPANESE".anyhow, I was in Shinjuku station in Japan at about 11pm tonight and like many other places in the world there are yellow "guidance" markers on the ground for blind people using sticks to guide themselves. Anyhow, I noticed a blind man in front of me and I quickly passed him to avoid causing him any trouble as he was walking fairly slowly. As I look back to see how dude is doing, I notice many Japanese people moving out of his way, doing what a **NORMAL** human being would do. Anyhow, there was a Japan Rail (JR) attendant standing on the yellow markers with his back facing the guy walking towards him, I was about to alert the JR attendant as to what was about to happen (the guy was going to walk into him) but thought it would sort itself out fairly simply enough (guy walks into him, JR guy moves out the way). ****WRONG. Instead the fuckwit JR asshole, stood in front of the dude, turned back, looked at his stick, then at him, and proceeded to block him from walking anywhere, following his every move and just blocking him whilst at the same time mocking him and squeezing him up against the pole for about 15 seconds. That shit made me MAD angry and as I am writing this I'm fucking fuming. I cold walked up to the dude right after and ran straight into him and knocked him a little with my shoulder and just ice grilled him till he left (I would have smashed his teeth in, but I can't get arrested as a foreigner in this country, it's too expensive and I'd get deported). I honestly couldn't believe in a country like Japan that there would be a single human, especially a public service attendant, who would do such a unhumane and cruel act in public in peak hour. It really has destroyed my perception of this country. I've already felt like there's lots of weird and backwards people here but now it's confirmed. I feel like finding dude tommorow and punching him in the fucking face. I ain't playin' either.Fuck JR and Japan Rail. I'm glad I been running the gates for the past year. Boycott these mutherfuckers and run their gates.peace.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Is it true it's damn near impossible for anyone foreign to become a Japanese citizen? I've read about people who have lived there 15 years and not allow to become one. Trying to keep foreigners out type steez.

    Sorry about ur fucked up night...

    Could be worse tho.. You could be stuck in your attic neck high in water hoping someone hears your calls for help...

  • Not wanting to derail this post, but I've been seeing a still shot of your avatar for the last few weeks and had no idea what it was. I still don't. What's the deal?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Not wanting to derail this post, but I've been seeing a still shot of your avatar for the last few weeks and had no idea what it was. I still don't. What's the deal?

    Isn't it from a Brazil football match a few years back?

    I know I've seen a bunch of the pics.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Damn man that is some fucked up shit, with my lack of level-headedness on such matters I would of been deported for sure if I was in your spot.

    Growing up with deaf parents I got a lot of mocking, both to me and my folks. I can clearly remember going to restaurants and and people at other booths talking shit about the 2 deaf peole sitting over to the side. They would yell insulting things simply cause they knew my mom & dad couldn't hear what they were saying. I would usually react by yelling some disrespectful shit back at them and a time or two it resulted in my family being kicked out of a restaurant.

    There were countless other small events like that that went on when I was younger all of which make my blood boil when I thnk back on them.

    In the ned I think I've come to the point where I realize some people are just plain cruel and theres nothing that can be done about it, it's just something people will have to face.

    Bevan good looking out on keeping you compsure and just know that the JR dude's life is probably so worthless to himself that he has to show some sort of stupidity to the handicap to make himself feel superior.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    now i dont feel bad for walking through the gates pretty much 100% of the time i was there. I estimated by the end that i probably saved 400-500,000 yen. never got stopped once

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    now i dont feel bad for walking through the gates pretty much 100% of the time i was there. I estimated by the end that i probably saved 400-500,000 yen. never got stopped once

    just walk....

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts
    Is it true it's damn near impossible for anyone foreign to become a Japanese citizen? I've read about people who have lived there 15 years and not allow to become one. Trying to keep foreigners out type steez.

    B -

    This is quite true; even people of Korean descent who are the 3rd generation to have been born in Japan are still required to carry alien registration cards - it's one of the most insular countries in the world w/ regards to race and your pedigree counts for a lot: which prefecture you're from, for instance...

    That said, given its rapidly agin' population, if Japan doesn't do somethin' drastic soon nor change its national attitude towards immigrants and integration/assimilation, it will be a dying country as it pertains to population (expected to go from 127 million to 95 million over the course of the next 25 years)...

    Interestin' sidenote: the 2 countries in Asia w/ the lowest birthrates are Japan and South Korea, both of which are probably the most advanced vis-a-vis a consumer society (although China's catchin' up quickly and will observe a jump in its median age from 34 to 42 if current numbers hold true)...

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    There's also a big problem here because Japanese couples are not having kids... they reckon the population will decrease at an alarming rate in the next decade...

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts

    just walk....

    Are you saying the public transit works on the honour system???

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    There's also a big problem here because Japanese couples are not having kids... they reckon the population will decrease at an alarming rate in the next decade...
    Seems like it's already started too

  • just walk....

    Are you saying the public transit works on the honour system???

    Its like that in many parts of Europe, but if you get caught the fine is crazy. I don't know how strict they are in Japan.

  • just walk....

    Are you saying the public transit works on the honour system???

    I've never tried it on the Metro here in L.A. Those copes don't pop up everytime but I'd say about 1 out of every 4 times they show up somewhere. I'm not cool like sheep.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    just walk....

    Are you saying the public transit works on the honour system???

    Its like that in many parts of Europe, but if you get caught the fine is crazy. I don't know how strict they are in Japan.

    Same here in Canada. You can get on a Commuter train... If you get caught without a ticket, fine is over a $100.
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