The singer is Walter Hawkins. The record, which I found in the dollar bin years ago, has made its way on the private/outsider collectors' market since then. Beautiful tune.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
This is uncommon but not old. It's a b-side to a Roc C 12" by some session vocalists (I can only assume from Oxnard) called Lover's Choice. Works so well for me over that King Heroin. Wasn't online anywhere 4 years ago, so I put it on SC, and it's still not online elsewhere!
That’s the clear winner for me so far in this thread.
Makes me think about the tune for Listen Love.
Big one for Richard Searling BITD. Pre-internet!
Never seen this before. Thanks for posting!