How would you stop Bootleggers?

SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
Sup FAM, 

Hope y'all are all ALIVE and not turned into ZOMBIES or whatever in this Coronavirus nightmare. Hell of a 2020 right? Maybe you'll be reading this later and Tom Hanks death was like the canary in the coal mine that triggered the apocalypse. 

Well hey, if  you survived I gotta quick  lil question that maybe one of you homies could help me out with:

How would you stop a MF Bootlegger from making money from your music?


Does anybody know a good Entertainment Lawyer?

You know. It's weird on the other side of the fence man?  Me, acting like I've never downloaded a movie or bought a bootleg record in my life. Without a pause or blinking an eye. On the artists side it's pretty damn oppressive hiring a lawyer to send a cease and desist to DJ SoundCloud for his shitty dubstep remix of your song. Nobody wants to do that. Deal with that BS.

I got an elderly buddy that could def benefit from lots of reissuing bootlegging pirate MF's and I thought one of you geniuses could give me a straight up answer. Remember when we helped out Monty Stark with that Will.I. Am situation? Similar shit.

Aaiight yo, wash your hands y'all.

- Gogo


  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    More details, please.

    Artist? Track title in question?


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Is SWATting an option?

    As long as he’s not in Philly:

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    para11ax said:
    More details, please.

    Artist? Track title in question?

    WOW man, I wasn't gonna put anyone on blast, but this dude is like family to me now, and he needs the help. So, here's one example of many MANY examples:

    Sergio Dias - Os Mutantes s/t

    music label: Vinyl Lovers 2008??

    Go ahead check your record bins. I'll wait...

    Anyways, Sergio is kind of a music legend from Brasil. When I was in Brasil I couldn't even afford the original records. Which is understandable if you want to support those record dealers in Brasil. DUDE, trust me the dudes flipping OG Mutantes are doing alright!! 

    The problem is the original Artist has no control over the who is selling his music. From what I'm seeing it's been this way for him since the 90'S!!

    Should we do an AMA for real? 

    - Spidey

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    with physical records it's pretty hard to block once they're out in the market. I know Discogs allows copyright owners to tag a release as a bootleg and it will block it from being sold on their site, but I think that's about it. I've met some record shop owners who just don't give a fuck about that, even if it's a known bootleg they'll still put it out on their shelves.

    I also know, at least with Brazilian records, that sometimes people do in fact try do the legwork to get things properly licensed but the artists don't find out because of some shady middle man or record label. A dude from Switzerland reissued the Os Brazões LP and had hired a guy in Brazil to take of the licensing, but once he put it out the artists got in touch with him and said they had never signed off on anything. This guy pulled his records once he found out, although he says his reissue was still better quality than the ones that came out later. He should probably get in touch with the original label (or whoever owns Polydor these days) and see what's up, I wouldn't be surprised if they're screwing him over too.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    He should probably get in touch with the original label (or whoever owns Polydor these days) and see what's up, I wouldn't be surprised if they're screwing him over too.

    This is probably the actual root of this problem. Thanks man. 

    - Diego

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    Targeted marketing keeps reminding me about the bootlegs. 
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