Paris recommendations? (Non record related)

Off for a few days in Paris with the girl...just wondered if there's any nice areas just to soak it up?



  • Man there's like a million, that's the problem... I haven't been but there's a cool looking African themed junk-art-assemblage bar/museum type place called Le Comptoir General that I've always wanted to visit. Shit, other strutteurs will know better than me.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    djwaxon said:
    ... soak it up?


    Hot wine. Soak as much up as humanly possible.


  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    Pretty easy to walk around, subway is good.  Avez-vous un peu Francais?  Plus facile si oui.  Louvre is mad busy, best done early or late doors.  Eiffel is a must.  I had a gig outside the Pompidou, locals knew the good coffee places close around that.  No time for digging so pass on that. Hth.

  • Jimster said:
    Avez-vous un peu Francais?

    un petit petit petit peus.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    I combed the whole city last summer.

    Saint-Ouen flea market is a must.  There is a whole building filled with record stalls.  I left with some grails and even a few underpriced gems.

    I would also try heartbeat vinyl.  They had the best selection but the prices were out of control.  Superfly records is crate digger ground zero.  I walked out empty handed, but you might find something.

    I was told to look up Victor Kiswell, but never got around to it.


  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    One of my buddy Bertrand started the station Some seriously good music coming from these guys:

    - spidey
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