Please tell us a lot of used record shops dealing with soul, jazz, music! Near California USA

kentakunkentakun 12 Posts
edited August 2017 in Vinyl Wants / Trades

Please tell us a lot of used record shops dealing with soul, jazz, music! Near California USA


  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    What's black music?


  • thank  you for  comment !
    iwant know  soul 

  • akaaka 67 Posts
    jjfad027 said:
    What's black music?

    I'm guessing from his name that he's Japanese. For some reason it's fairly common in Japan to use the description "black music". I found it pretty off-putting when I was there, and I still don't know exactly what it refers to. 

    Kenta kun: You should probably stop using the term "black music". 「ブラック・ミュージック」言わないほうがいい。

  • I knew for the first time, I will do not use it later I apologize

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    There is a place called Wax Trax. I haven't been in over 10 years but I've found good stuff there. The owner (if the same dude is still there) can be a pain to deal with. He was tough to negotiate with and seemed to be over my shoulder quite a bit. I found some decent rap/electro stuff there. I don't think I bought any soul records due to his prices being too high. 

  • Thank you! I'll try to go

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    If you make it as far as Redwood City then visit The Record Man. Hundreds of thousands of records to sift through. They use eBay for pricing but are open to negotiation. 

  • thankyou!:)
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