Suggestions for a new mixer

My Ecler gave up the ghost after 15 years and I've given up on repairs due to lack of parts. I need a basic mixer with good audio quality. 2-channel will do. No serato or effects needed. It's mostly home use with a few record-only gigs per year. That new Rane rotary dilly looks nice, but $2k is throwing me off. I like the wood sides and the touted high audio quality. I have a lot of high quality vintage and don't mind doing some repairs as needed, but I have no room for junky crap. I plan on keeping this next one for the rest of my life. Very high audio quality is a plus. Non-China made is a plus. Anyone have any recommendations?


  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    Which model Ecler did you have? Eclers have been described as "Spain's Rane". They sound better than Rane imo.

    In terms of suggestions, I honestly think it would be worth it to cop an E&S DJR400 since you plan to make it your last one.

    They are hand-built rotaries from France, they're portable, and they're highly touted for incredible sound by many of the world's best. They shit on Pioneers and Ranes apparently. I've not tested one, but I'll cop once my 57SL dies. 

    Note: they're something like $3K, but if you want very high audio quality, that's the asking price.

    Good luck!

  • PicklesPickles 67 Posts
    Medhi makes awesome hand built mixers here in Australia..they sound awesome and been bought by many know dj's..his home page is getting refurbed but just google condessa dj mixer..i think they run around 1200$ maybe even less with our dollar being...well shit...check it and I can put you in touch if need be

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    Pickles said:
    Medhi makes awesome hand built mixers here in Australia..they sound awesome and been bought by many know dj's..his home page is getting refurbed but just google condessa dj mixer..i think they run around 1200$ maybe even less with our dollar being...well shit...check it and I can put you in touch if need be
    you wont get a better sounding/built mixer. Every time I have used one of these I have had serious mixer envy/issues with going back to my schitty mixer.

  • PicklesPickles 67 Posts
    i never ever had any problems at all.....and I mean ever???very strange as i know heaps of other user..maybe you just got unlucky and copped a bad one..ok if you want something more"substantial" and money is no problem I would get  this a 400 or the jap one

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    Thanks! That condesa looks like it might fit the bill. Considering the website is down, I'd be happy to be put in touch. Feel free to post or PM me.

    My Ecler was the HAK 320 from when they first came out. My faders are shorting out and I can't find replacements.

    I'm not saying money is no object, but I do appreciate quality and reliability and would rather buy nice once, than buy cheap a bunch of times and have them go out when I need them,

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    I tried to link the facebook but it dint work, just search Condesa electronics

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I'm in contact with Condesa directly at the moment. Thanks for the suggestions and help!
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