You Sell Records & What???




    I thought a record store/laundrymat would be neat.

    i have actually thought of this as me completely loony......but i love a laundrymat....gotta be clean and neat...but the clean clothes vibe is top shelf....that and it's a good place to just stop for a while while your clothes are a tumblin', read a book, relax....and to cop some records at the same time would be soooooo nice.

    what about the name SPIN CYCLE for the laundrymat??? I think it's dope....

    I have plans to open a laundrymat in 2007. Maybe i should bring some records into the mix...I'm planning to show shaw bros dvd's on a big screen to keep folks entertained while they wash their jammies. A few crates would be cool...

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I remember Dan's Pet Food. This was the place where I copped the entire Strata East Dolphy Series back in the day, as well as Harlem River Drive, Funk Inc, Gary Bartz's Harlem Bush Music & Uhuru... loads more as well.

    I know Soulman remembers this spot.

  • In Japan its not uncommon for records shops that are out in the sticks to sell porn DVD's/Mags/Vids.
    At one spot Im honestly the only guy in there buying records all the other customers seem to be after the porn!

  • Just looking through some snaps:

    Porn is one the left of the pic.

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    When The Gap first opened in 69, they sold records and Levis.

    History Of The Gap Video

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    bboyparks i like your avatar.

  • I thought a record store/laundrymat would be neat.

    i have actually thought of this as me completely loony......but i love a laundrymat....gotta be clean and neat...but the clean clothes vibe is top shelf....that and it's a good place to just stop for a while while your clothes are a tumblin', read a book, relax....and to cop some records at the same time would be soooooo nice.

    what about the name SPIN CYCLE for the laundrymat??? I think it's dope....

    I have plans to open a laundrymat in 2007. Maybe i should bring some records into the mix...I'm planning to show shaw bros dvd's on a big screen to keep folks entertained while they wash their jammies. A few crates would be cool...

    In Cincinnati, they used to have a bar/club/laundrymat called Sudsy Malone's. It was pretty succesful; Beck & Built to Spill played there, among others...

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    DOn't you think alot of these combination stores that have been around for over 20-30 years could be leftover from Rack Jobbing back in the day? Just a thought as alot of strange places used to have records because of rack jobbers.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Theres a pharmacy with records here.

    I was going to start a thread like this a while back. I always thought it would be cool to have an arcade/record store.

    K. Starke's has a free-play MKII arcade unit. Serious as Libra.

  • john_doejohn_doe 237 Posts

    In Cincinnati, they used to have a bar/club/laundrymat called Sudsy Malone's. It was pretty succesful; Beck & Built to Spill played there, among others...

    Sudsy Malone's is still there (I think it's still open). There's a part of Cincinnati (Benson Street in Reading) that's known for having a lot of bridal stores and such on the main strip. Anyways, there was a tuxedo shop that had records in the back room, pretty weird. Found some good hip hop shit there. Closed maybe about 8-10 years ago though.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    A spot around the corner from my house in Mt Rainier, MD was a combo Beauty Supply Store(get your relaxer/braids/hair grease etc)/Records & bootleg CD shop. Mr Daniel was an ex-Black Panther and he used to have some great records up in there a few years back, but he went pretty much all CD before closing up shop earlier this year. I last saw him at the flea selling strictly beauty supplies and soap.

    There was a place up on Georgia Ave in DC that was a thrift store for years, then suddenly became one of those catch-all type stores that sells mattresses and bedroom furnishings, lots of lamps, and all sorts of 'dollar store' type shit (household cleaners, kitchenware,etc). Well, I stopped in, and finding out that it was no longer a thrift(the sign and outside of the store all stayed the same), I nearly walked right back out, but thought, hell, might as well look around. Near the back where they used to have used books and radios, there was a folding table with about 4 boxes of LPs. It was all jazz, Blue Notes, Prestige, Atlantic and Impulse, with a smattering of classic rock. Good weekend, kinda kick started my DC diggin.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Anyways, there was a tuxedo shop that had records in the back room, pretty weird. Found some good hip hop shit there. Closed maybe about 8-10 years ago though.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Almost forgot....any VA heads catch the LPs that were in the middle of that tourist trap store down near the waterfront in Alexandria? When I first bumped into that by accident, on an evening showing some friend of my now sister-in-law's around the waterfront, the place must have had at least several thousand records that were almost completely invisible from the street. The place looked like a typical postcard/t-shirt/hippy-hemp-clothing store, and was open on Fridays and Saturdays til midnight! We stumbled in there at 11:30 or so...I had to come back because I was with several folks who could have cared less about my vinyl habit. I found some decent shit there too, everything, even the Lawrence Welk was $5 a pop....but I wish I could've gone through their used books too! Thousands of books just stacked up in the back.

    Fatback and I went out there one night on a Wed about a year and a half ago and the guy was selling it all off at $1, and it was just a few boxes of complete junk. All the books were gone too.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    All hail the Shit Shop!

    Located in Chicago, on a stretch of Division St. somewhere between Devon and Western, the Shit Shop was around for a few months in 1999 and was exactly what the title said...just a random bunch of stuff crammed in a storefront. No, it did not say "Shit Shop" on the outer exterior. Matter of fact, I didn't even know

    that that was the name until they closed and the Reader (Chitown's equivalent of NY's Village Voice) did a story on it. I mainly remember buying a shitload of 45's there, one hot summer afternoon (including singles on Uni by the Rainy Daze and Fun & Games, as well as the Exceptions' Rock & Roll Mass EP). The guy cut me a deal because in his words, I was "the only person buying good stuff!" So nice while it lasted.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    "Guns, knives, ammo, buttplugs & bongs"
    was the name we used for the
    "Market Basket" in Berryville VA
    very busy countrystore that had all of the above in a display case up front
    they also sold hunting & fishing license, cheese & biscuits, wine & beer,
    army surplus +
    a few boxes of records
    confederate biker family runs it
    always a flow of county folk coming & going
    for a time
    it was the closest place in nova to score paraphernalia
    & solos records from the cast of "Gunsmoke"

    a hick combo of the old timey
    head shop with wax (Penguin Feather, dc fools ?)
    & used blue jean stores with records (charleston or columbia s.c. fools ?)

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    All hail the Shit Shop!

    Located in Chicago, on a stretch of Division St. somewhere between Devon and Western

    but Devon and Western run perpendicular. You puttin us on James???!?!?

    Also, theres a million Shit Shops in Chicago... everytime one closes, another one opens up!

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    All hail the Shit Shop!

    Located in Chicago, on a stretch of Division St. somewhere between Devon and Western

    but Devon and Western run perpendicular. You puttin us on James???!?!?

    Sorry, I meant to say between DAMEN and Western. Offhand, I do not remember the north-south street closest to where the old Shit Shop was, but I know it was in that general Bucktown area, on Division.

    Also, theres a million Shit Shops in Chicago... everytime one closes, another one opens up!

    Well, if you know something, don't keep it hid, bro...where's the newest one? (Hit me on the PM if you're too paranoid to mention it on Soulstrut... )

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts

    The place in Corpus Christi ran by the drill seargant dude who gives fades in the front while you peruse the 45s in the back. Dude has the key-loc 45 discography minus the handfull of desirable titles. Whoever got to that dude first hit the jackpot.

    Broadway Records in Terrell. Also sells pickels, Fun Dips and Black & Milds. I got to dude first and hit the jackpot.

    Liquor Stores?

    There was a place in Wichita Falls TX that was half record store/half liquor store. Bunch of 80s blues 45s next to a bunch of Shlitz 40s.

    TV Repair?

    There's a TV repair joint in Lawton OK that had a bunch of sealed Gordon's War OSTs and Julius Brockingtons.

    There's also one in Plainview TX that has 1000s and 1000s of 45 in the back. When I walked in there and peeped the goods I got a semi chub. 4 flacid hours later I came out of there with maybe 4 common-ish 45s. Whoever stumbled accross that first got hoooooked up. Sure wasn't me.

  • Webb's dept Store in Philly has all kinds of greeting cards, sundries and shit...

  • "Guns, knives, ammo, buttplugs & bongs"

    Finally, one-stop shopping!

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    I know the Shit Shop you're speaking of James, it was run by some hipsterish folks if I remember correctly. Theres shit shops a-plenty here man, you dont' need me to tell you that!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Lawn Mower Repair Shop / Record Store

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    Reading through this thread made me think that in Britain, space is at such a premium that nobody can afford to run a shop that stocks "any old shit in case it sells", which is a shame as I love the character that comes through from these weird little places.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    There was a small takeout restaurant here in Montreal that had records on the wall. The records were mostly cheap soul, rare groove, and disco. It didn't last very long. That's were I finally got my copy of OV Wright's LP with 'Let's Straighten It Out' after having supper.

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    Reading through this thread made me think that in Britain, space is at such a premium that nobody can afford to run a shop that stocks "any old shit in case it sells", which is a shame as I love the character that comes through from these weird little places.
    Yeah, even in the charity shops, you'd struggle to find used butt-plugs.


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    BITD 70s the local high street had a shop that sold top 75 45s and flowers - bouquets and bunches. That was gone by early 80s.
    Ffwd to now, the same high street has another cut flowers n vinyl shop, unrelated hipster ish natch, and the next high street has a place selling shrubs out front, vinyl outback.
    Strange combination but a recurring one.
    No, no copies of 'For Real'.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,245 Posts
    the porn & records combo I don't think is that uncommon in Brazil. There's some spots in São Paulo that sell used books as well as records, and I assume porn is in there too. One had old film reels from local movie theaters, which included trailers for 80s porn films. And my local digging spot in Porto Alegre also sells all kinds of used shit, they have a large selection of old Playboys and VHS/DVDs.

    Buying a used nude mag seems like a risky proposition though. I would want a guarantee that it's VG++ at the very least, but the records they sell are already pretty beat (intentional AYO).

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    Avoid the ones with the pages stuck together.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,245 Posts
    Jimster said:
    Avoid the ones with the pages stuck together.

    but do you really want to have to flip through the pages to find out?

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    Jimster said:
    Avoid the ones with the pages stuck together.

    but do you really want to have to flip through the pages to find out?
    There was a lad at school who was always talking about knowing where his dad hid his stash of pr0n mags, and how he'd sneak one out to, er... sneak one out before replacing it in exactly the same place in the pile under his dad's bed.

    So one weekend, his folks were away and he had a party.  No harm done but apparently, unbeknownst to the host, one of the guests, armed with the location of said stash, snuck upstairs and indeed snuck one out into one of the mags... before replacing it in exactly the same place in the pile under his dad's bed.  Didn't say a word to anyone until years after the fact.

    You can imagine the reaction of father or son when browsing, and the resultant formation of opinion.
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