Standing on the left is the definition of 'having no conception of the fact there are other people in the world' that or tourist.
Oh really? Excuse me, I didn't see the lanes painted on the steps. Oh wait, that's because this isn't a fucking highway.
Did you see 99% of all the other people standing to the right though? Wouldn't this have given you some kind of clue? Why all the aggression, this is not that serious a thread.
Well, this happen to be my fuckin thread so I can make it as aggresive as I want. I'm a very aggresive individual. I don't care what 99% of the people does, millions of flies like to eat shit, does that mean shit is tasty? I don't think so.
I'll be dispensing with the 'excuse me' and going straight to the 'throw you down the middle where the spikey bits are' should I encounter you standing to the left on an escalator then
People that don't walk on escalators like to be carried by society in general
So, tell me, Mr. Chomski, if you are such a free-thinker, what the fuck are you doing on an escalator, which basically is a predefined course? Oh, I see, you walk on it to get to work 10 secs earlier son you can get a raise and then buy a compact car. Next.
People that don't walk on escalators like to be carried by society in general
So, tell me, Mr. Chomski, if you are such a free-thinker, what the fuck are you doing on an escalator, which basically is a predefined course? Oh, I see, you walk on it to get to work 10 secs earlier son you can get a raise and then buy a compact car. Next.
Life is like an escalator, a predefined course with an end. You decide how you live it/walk it...I choose to 'walk this way'...not to buy a 'compact' car, but to find records...although I would think about this one...
Nah, the worst is people who stand still on the people movers in airports. The sole purpose of those things is to help you walk faster, not so that you can stand there and look around.
well some people are coming off 20 hour flights and are so tired they can barely see straight.
What's with fat people driving carts around anyways?
damn that's happening in other cities ? i thought it was only around here. i always think "that's the attitude your totally going to lose weight riding around in a little cart".
Here in NYC everyone is in a hurry or at least needs to be somewhere soon. We understand that in other parts of the world, you just want to take it easy, feel the vibe, smell the roses, take in the sights... but we kindly ask that you not block the entire width of the sidewalk while doing so.
Has anyone noticed that NYC pedestrian traffic is SLOW AS FUCK these days???? Bunch of suburban fucks who have taken over. Either that or I'm my pace is increasing with age. Not likely. I used to like the old days when you just had to look like you knew where you were going and step on it and everyone flowed. Now you try that and you'll end up knocking over a dozen girls in flowery dresses. One of them headbutted me in the shoulder the other day because she was being a dozy twat. I'm sure it hurt her more than me so whatever lil hippie chick.
Nah, the worst is people who stand still on the people movers in airports. The sole purpose of those things is to help you walk faster, not so that you can stand there and look around.
well some people are coming off 20 hour flights and are so tired they can barely see straight.
What's with fat people driving carts around anyways?
damn that's happening in other cities ? i thought it was only around here. i always think "that's the attitude your totally going to lose weight riding around in a little cart".
Anyone been to the World's Biggest Christmas Store in Michigan? They have carts for customers. Insane place.
Another pet peeve that's about equal to actually making an effort to impede progress is when someone is street parking and they're the first in the line on the street, and they're not like snug to the sign, or just parkers in general leaving too much space between cars, throwing off the equalibrium of the entire neighborhood and probably in like toto reducing available parking by two spots! Space is at a premium, people; let's not waste it.
parkers in general leaving too much space between cars, throwing off the equalibrium of the entire neighborhood and probably in like toto reducing available parking by two spots! Space is at a premium, people; let's not waste it.
Happens everywhere here. A two-car space, some cnut will park right in the middle, leaving half-a-car space either end of him. So that a) they can get out with no effort and b) lest someone park near them and risk contacting their shiny bee-em. I don't think it's tolerated in Paris or Rome, where shunting into a non-gap is deemed legitimate.
I'll be dispensing with the 'excuse me' and going straight to the 'throw you down the middle where the spikey bits are' should I encounter you standing to the left on an escalator then
She can stand anywhere she wants when I'm on an escaltor/moving walkway...
Dude, what the fuck? More like "Not Safe For Your Hard Drive"
Posting links that shoot out 4 pop-ups and try to install spyware?
Not even close to a good look.
no pop ups
Life is like an escalator, a predefined course with an end. You decide how you live it/walk it...I choose to 'walk this way'...not to buy a 'compact' car, but to find records...although I would think about this one...
well some people are coming off 20 hour flights and are so tired they can barely see straight.
damn that's happening in other cities ? i thought it was only around here. i always think "that's the attitude your totally going to lose weight riding around in a little cart".
Has anyone noticed that NYC pedestrian traffic is SLOW AS FUCK these days???? Bunch of suburban fucks who have taken over. Either that or I'm my pace is increasing with age. Not likely. I used to like the old days when you just had to look like you knew where you were going and step on it and everyone flowed. Now you try that and you'll end up knocking over a dozen girls in flowery dresses. One of them headbutted me in the shoulder the other day because she was being a dozy twat. I'm sure it hurt her more than me so whatever lil hippie chick.
Anyone been to the World's Biggest Christmas Store in Michigan? They have carts for customers. Insane place.
Another pet peeve that's about equal to actually making an effort to impede progress is when someone is street parking and they're the first in the line on the street, and they're not like snug to the sign, or just parkers in general leaving too much space between cars, throwing off the equalibrium of the entire neighborhood and probably in like toto reducing available parking by two spots! Space is at a premium, people; let's not waste it.
Happens everywhere here. A two-car space, some cnut will park right in the middle, leaving half-a-car space either end of him. So that a) they can get out with no effort and b) lest someone park near them and risk contacting their shiny bee-em. I don't think it's tolerated in Paris or Rome, where shunting into a non-gap is deemed legitimate.
Apparently there is some logic in JLR's obstinacy.