The Revenant (Big Bear Doin Thangs)

Watched this on the big screen last night after being convinced to go by some friends who were more up for it than myself.


- I liked it a lot more than Birdman - it's as technically brilliant but in a different, to me more engaging, way.
 - Alejandro González Iñárritu has obviously been watching Malik movies.
- The film is beautiful - really beautiful, and very epic. Deserves to be seen on the big screen (I ended up having to watch it from the front row which was a bit too big but there you go).
 - The film is properly brutal in a way that flows from powerful to gross out to plain comical (there were a few points where people were roaring with laughter and I'm not sure that was the intention).
 - It's too long, there comes a point where Leo's trials become amusingly relentless, like give the man a break.
 - Hardy is excellent to the point that I didn't know it was him (I have missed all publicity for this film)
 - Leo is fine but in no way deserves an Oscar for what is basically a lesson in reaction shots. I think Van Damme could have given a performance this good.
 - It's worth seeing (especially on the big screen) but I can't say I loved it. I don't know if it's worth 12 Oscars but then none of the massively nominated films tend to be very good,

Anyone else?


  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    I have yet to see it but I do have some reservations re: the plot.

    I remember being traumatised, as a child, by having to watch "Lost in the Desert" in a double-bill with "Clash of the Titans".  Not because it was overly harrowing, but it was, by far, the most boring film I'd ever had to sit through. It is what it says on the tin and goes on and on and on.

    And on.

    I hope "Revenant" isn't this, with snow.  Best I take a pint in, so I can get some shut-eye should things go sour.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    If I want to see geezers with cray hair and wild beards in quasi-lumberjack shtick I'll go visit L*o in Barcalona


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    skel said:
    If I want to see geezers with cray hair and wild beards in quasi-lumberjack shtick I'll go visit L*o in Barcalona

    Ha ha! Proper BANGLASH.

    J*m, it's definitely more at the "life is shit and brutal" end of the scale than "man discovers himself in the wilderness" but, yeah, it's too long and, more importantly, it's no Mad Max.

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    My brother was gloating over this last week.

    Thirteen Inches... With An Attitude.

    Didn't L*o have a story that went like that??!?!...


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    Junior said:
    skel said:
    If I want to see geezers with cray hair and wild beards in quasi-lumberjack shtick I'll go visit L*o in Barcalona

    "man discovers himself in the wilderness"
    Hmmm. The lumberjack shirt is in storage with my vinyl. Hair is under control; I'm a teacher now! Rocking the normcore look with a hint of midlife crisis (younger girlfriend & expensive trainers). Not sure if it counts as self-discovery, but I've cut-down on the tequila.


    Thunder Road gets Junior approval? I loved it. Some hatt seems to be that Max isn't the main man, all the better for it IMVFHO.

  • i really liked it a lot. didn't think it was boring at all. didn't even think it was too long. did think that DiCaprio's acting was too one-note to warrant the oscah.

    it helped having seen Hateful 8 a month ago––i was already numb to gory violence in the snow in the old west.

    what i liked most about it was how well it captured the bleakness, violence, and hardship of living in that world. i'd been watching the Ken Burns "The West" series recently and this was like a dramatization that brought the events in that series to life.

    the movie it reminded me most of was Malick's "The New World", so definitely agree with the op that inarittu has been peeping malick. same cinematographer too (the badass Emmanuel Lubezki).

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Mentioning Malick's New World makes me wanna see it now...
    That was a damn fine movie, visually and vibes/feel

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Thunder Road gets Junior approval? I loved it. Some hatt seems to be that Max isn't the main man, all the better for it IMVFHO.
    Thunder Road was, without doubt, the most fun I've had at the cinema in years - Maximum Approval. Max was never really the main main from 2 onwards though right? He's more like the guide through other people's stories, assisting and then moving on. Like a post apocalyptic Littlest Hobo.

    Yeah I came out of The Revenant with a hunger to revisit some Malik, the dream sequences really did it for me.

    Willie, did you not think the bleakness/harshness got a bit much though? I felt like around the point of......

    *Mild spoiler*

    The full bloodied attack and chase and subsequent inside pony sleeping

    *Mild spoiler over*

    I was torn between feeling that no man would ever have such a a run of bad luck and that there was no way in hell he would still be alive. Both of which distanced me from actually caring.

    Truly visually gorgeous movie though (Leo pasty backside apart).
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