para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts




  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    Boo. I've got new age cassettes to post and questions about drone lp's from Germany. 

    i cry

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    I'm guessing someone forgot to renew their domain name.  Happened to me a few times here.  They will be back.

    I haven't been on there in years, but miss the the board beef from years past.


  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    Haha I was thinking about posting a "where did Waxi go" thread but didn't wanna start turf war. 


  • Don't both boards share a large % of members tho?

  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    I've got teh sweats right now.

    Where else can I get indepth knowledge on Macedonian folk records, pina, and 60's field recording? 

    I once had a place where I could reliably offload awful, awful records for a meagre profit.  Now, all I has is teh Strut.


  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    OK, it's not my pc...

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    Just imagine if all the waxihollics got up in the strut again.... shit done change!

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    On hold with the hosting place. I think I just need to pay my bill but am locked out of their website at the moment.  

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Leo, why not "UncleLeoFromVermont," with Uncle Leo avatar?

  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    Fair point. I've never seen the name/avatar game played so poorly


  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    Also:  I forgot how fun soulstrut threads are, I gotta stop in here more often...

    This is was the first place on the internet I discovered that had record info like 15 or so years ago. The strut had the 95 WOF in 95. Learned sooooooooo much on here. Too bad my terrible taste in music and aweful jokes got me marooned on Gumdrop island. 

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    Too bad my terrible taste in music and aweful jokes got me marooned on Gumdrop island. 
    Your spelling could use some work too.


    Welcome! Were you always a lurker or did you have a prior handle?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Also:  I forgot how fun soulstrut threads are, I gotta stop in here more often...

    This is was the first place on the internet I discovered that had record info like 15 or so years ago. The strut had the 95 WOF in 95. Learned sooooooooo much on here. Too bad my terrible taste in music and aweful jokes got me marooned on Gumdrop island. 
    What was your previous SS handle?  Drew?


  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    Drew is a old friend, but I was djelv2000
    cant remember the email I used or the password
    but I'm Leo. From Vermont. 


    thanks for the nice welcome back!

  • This thraed is the new home to Waxidermy!

  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    So it's safe to post my new age cassette FINDZZZ?

    *edit CRAP how does an old person post photos up in HURR?

  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts

    Duh. Sorry. And, uhh, sorry. 

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Weird records that suck.

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    Thraed of the yaer.

  • Since the site is down...

    Anybody have info on this LP?  It's sealed and I don't want to ruin the value by opening it.


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Don't open it

  • The_Non said:
    Don't open it
    Thanks.  I like to smoke weed and look at this cover.


  • leofromvermontleofromvermont Steve Halpern's glovebox 30 Posts
    I didn't realize leatherface from Texas Chainsaw had a pre-murder country gospel career. 

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The_Non said:
    Don't open it
    Thanks.  I like to smoke weed and look at this cover.


    This is Merrill Womach's first LP where he committed one of the seven deadly sins, vanity, by putting his face on it 42 time.

    God punished him by burning the shit out of that face shortly thereafter.

  • hcrink said:
    On hold with the hosting place. I think I just need to pay my bill but am locked out of their website at the moment.  
    You're actually doing that yourself instead of having that little tapeworm Doogie take charge?

    I guess your therapy is going well.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    The_Non said:
    Don't open it
    Thanks.  I like to smoke weed and look at this cover.


    This is Merrill Womach's first LP where he committed one of the seven deadly sins, vanity, by putting his face on it 42 time.

    God punished him by burning the shit out of that face shortly thereafter.
    That actually makes much more sense than burn victim quartuplets!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    hcrink said:
    On hold with the hosting place. I think I just need to pay my bill but am locked out of their website at the moment.  
    You're actually doing that yourself instead of having that little tapeworm Doogie take charge?

    I guess your therapy is going well.
    Bearded Doug still alive?

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    Where will I find out more information on that elusive 70s John Tesh private?
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