The Getdown (birth of hiphop/Netflix-R)

para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
edited August 2016 in Off Topic (NRR)
A new Netflix dramatic series which takes place in the Bronx during the birth of hiphop, DJ culture, and the disco club scene in NY.

Other than a bit of cheese here and there, it looks alright. What say you?



  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Im not sure how i feel about Baz "camp as all fuck" Lurhmann directing it.
    Can't say I've liked anything he has ever done. 

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    What will make it good or bad (to me) is the quality of the story.
    If the story is there I am sure the acting and production will be good enough.

    In 20 years will people look at it and say, they really captured the Bronx in the late 70s? Or will they say, it looks and feels like 2016? Or most likely, it looks and feels like Baz Lurhmann?

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    kicks79 said:
    Baz "camp as all fuck" Lurhmann 
    The Great Gastsby (2013)
    Moulin Rouge (2001)
    Australia (2008)

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.  

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Cliche/music/cliche/music/cliche/music/EMOTION/sad music/cliche

    What's the criteria for someone to be classed as a film making "Visionary" these days anyway (see "from visionary director Zack Snyder")? An obsessive attachment to style and surface gloss over substance?

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    it looks like City of God turned into a broadway musical

  • The only possible reason that dude's involvement could be good is his ability to stage and film cartoonishly over the top party scenes and his willingness to pummel you with a different music track every thirty seconds with the vocals mixed under the dialogue of the movie. That could work in a series like this. But yeah I hope he's got some good story editors and writers and episode directors to counter his excesses because the story has to be good and that's not his strong point.

    I will czech though.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    "Hyper-stylised" is Luhrmann's USP, and he's hardly a marginal film-maker, so there's no excuse for anyone to go into this blind. Caveat emptor, and all that.

    For real, though, if I watch this at all, it'll be so I can at least slag it off from a halfway informed point of view. The hip-hop nostalgia industry can't go and fuck itself quickly enough as far as I'm concerned

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,221 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    The hip-hop nostalgia industry can't go and fuck itself quickly enough as far as I'm concerned
    esp. because it makes me feel old as f*ck...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    "The hip-hop nostalgia industry"

    I feel like we need a gremlin for this.

  • Countdown to the (alleged) trainwreck, t-5 days! Can't wait to be disappointed! Like "Vinyl" for hip hop! Stab me

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    This looks bad meaning bad

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Mad skeptical.......But im checkin it out.

    Nas is corny.
    Got mad Braeks Yo!
    Glee w/ costumes.
    Its has some great moments here and there.
    Reminds me of HBO VINYL w/ that moder take on '77.....mad Old NYC footage to help set the tone. 
    Kids are a little too shiny for the era, but it is what it is.

    Flash as a consultant drops some serious real dirty ass gems on the game. Serious gems. 

    White boy is introduced through the Graf game which is consistent, and his long hair ass is paired w/ Jaden Smith who is the most centered actor amongst the kids. 

    The non-Hip Hop drama holds up the story. Jimmy Smits and Giancarlo Esposito kill shit. 

    There alot on the plate but I hope it sticks a good landing. 


  • I kinda liked the first ep.
    Anyone else?

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Oh man, I thought it was so shitty. The weak writing, the family special vibe--some real cynical dudes built the Netflix algorithm that churns out this dross. 

  • The show seems to have settled in by ep 3.
    I'm actually into the story.

  • JimsterJimster 6,992 Posts
    Waiting on Benny Blanco from The Bronx or I'm out.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Sorry JIMSTER no Benny from the Bronx !

    I have to say it wasn't as bad as i though it could have been.
    Baz's editing gives me a headache though. He must have ADD the way he jumps in between scenes. Glad it seemed to settle down in the later episodes.
    Everything is a little too shiny for the 70's era bronx as well.
    They could have left out the korny kung fu aspect on the whole DJ story line. Its also a shame that all the original music that the characters are creating is staight up shitty.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Voguing in 77 is bullshit
    cats breakin like its 84 is bullshit
    double time rap flows in 77 from kids who aint Kool Moe Dee is bullshit

    its taking modern styles and implementing them before it happened for entertainment sake. 

    They dont even need the 96 i remember theme.

  • Ya.
    The Get Down Bros first block performance was lamo.

  • batmon said:
    Voguing in 77 is bullshit
    cats breakin like its 84 is bullshit
    double time rap flows in 77 from kids who aint Kool Moe Dee is bullshit

    its taking modern styles and implementing them before it happened for entertainment sake. 

    They dont even need the 96 i remember theme.
    Watched the first 10 minutes and then got held up - my very first impression was "that '1996' flow doesn't sound very '96" and second impression was "those lyrics are ultra literal". Screenwriter-writing-a-rap style. I'm gonna try it again, but that stuff is a disappointment. I hope there's some improvement...

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Once I saw it was Baz Luhrmann in charge of this I pretty much gave up any hope of historical accuracy. He's making Moulin Rouge the hip hop years.
    It's very odd tonally, it doesn't fit with what is very close historic events or the genre it's representing. It's been made like it's a musical rather than a tv show, awkward breaks like the in time line to jump to 96 even feel like they're filler to mask a set change. It's a bizarre piece of television and not in a good way, but it can be enjoyed as popcorn fodder. Just a shame that TV has shot and missed once again in trying to tell this story. 

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Ya'll ain't hip hop.

    I'm not sure why anyone would think this to be a complete 100% accurate representation of the time period. It's not a documentary...

    Sure there are a ton of issues with this series. And it's not been something that's had me binge on.

    It's like someone took elements of Beat Street, Wild Style and Krush Groove. Threw in touches of The Wizard of OZ/Wiz and made it part musical and dance drama/fantasy/adventure, etc etc etc.

    I can see why the "Keep It Real" crowd would probably hate on it. But I'm still waiting until I make it completely through to really judge.


  • keep it real... represent what? my nuts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    keep it real... represent what? my nuts

  • caicai spacecho 362 Posts
    DOR said:

    I'm not sure why anyone would think this to be a complete 100% accurate representation of the time period. It's not a documentary...

    Probably because hip hop historian Nelson George was heavily involved in making the show?


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    cai said:
    DOR said:

    I'm not sure why anyone would think this to be a complete 100% accurate representation of the time period. It's not a documentary...

    Probably because hip hop historian Nelson George was heavily involved in making the show?

    I've enjoyed the books of his I've read. And Strictly Business and CB4 were the bomb! And what I meant was, the show was done by Netflix. Now if this was an HBO Doc project, I would have expected much more.

  • trzakhstantrzakhstan IA 198 Posts
    I don't have Netflix, is Baambaataa in this show?

  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 406 Posts
    I don't have Netflix, is Baambaataa in this show?

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    para11ax said:
    I don't have Netflix, is Baambaataa in this show?

    Ha ha not in the first six episodes. 
    But there are six more so who knows ? 

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