Upgrading your audio set-up

hey all...it's been a little while.
I have a question for the grown-up audio nerds on here...
i've been wanting to upgrade my system with some higher end "audiophile" gear, but still utilize a dj set-up/configuration.
i currently have 2 technics 1200s, a rane 56 mixer and some solid powered speakers.
i'm thinking of upgrading to Dali Zensor 3 speakers, which are passive. should i use my mixer as the pre-amp and just find a solid powered amp? or should i use an integrated amp along with the mixer? is there a big difference between the two or am i just overthinking this and/or wasting money?

thanks in advance


  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    Rane mixers have excellent pre-amps and can definitely have better phono stages than your average integrated amp. Personally, I run all integrated or pre/power amps and don't run any mixers unless I'm mixing. I also don't run any powered speakers because tey tend to be better for saving space than good audio quality. My route has been to buy equipment at garage sales. If I like it, I keep it. If I don't I sell it. As I find things that I like more, I get rid of old. It's an easy way to get familiar with what I like. I run an old 70s Kenwood integrated amp and some Celestion 3 speakers at work and they sound phenomenal and cost me a total of $15. Certainly better than a lot of my early DJ setups sounded. 

    Demo some stuff if you can and see what sounds good to you. If the sound seems worth the money, go for it. I have no experience with the Dali speakers, but they sure get good reviews at first glance.

    The pursuit of good sound is noble. There are plenty of companies that will help relieve you of your money and not offer a lot in return. A lot of people shun audiophile pursuits for that reason, but if you love music it does sound better through decent systems. I certainly get more enjoyment out of hearing all of the instruments clearly and separately instead of mushed together.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,990 Posts
    I do appreciate there are hella clever folls working in Audio.

    I also believe that it's only ever going to be as good as the source recording.

    So like, some of the 50s and 60s Verve and Blue Note jazz I have cannot be made to sound like the artist is right there in front of me, recorded in glorious 256-track digital wonder.

    Unless you know better?

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts
    So like, some of the 50s and 60s Verve and Blue Note jazz I have cannot be made to sound like the artist is right there in front of me, recorded in glorious 256-track digital wonder.

    Hologram Coltrane FTW!

  • PicklesPickles 67 Posts
    Some people go thru many many speaker/amp set ups...I always found that you have to try as many combo's out as you can..also upgrading your tone arms and also a good cartridge will do wonders..depends if you want audiophile type sound or just a good sound that you are happy with...hell I've been through heaps of different set ups and still not a 100% happy but I keep trying...as for Dali speaker..I am sure they sound nice but if I was living in the USA I def would be checking out thrift/garage sales for vintage goodness at a fraction of the cost...also eBay is awesome for picking up bargains as I am guessing there are many other sites as well..

  • Pistol_PetePistol_Pete 1,289 Posts
    thanks everybody. I'm leaning towards upgrading the wiring in both my technics via KAB Electro Acoustics. I'm going to try out a lot of different speakers over the next few weeks. I wish I had more time to dig through garage sales for vintage gear, but my work schedule is a little nutty these days.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Getting the tonearm rewired by KAB will be an immediate and noticeable pgrade to your 1200's (unless they are MK5 models). You haven't mentioned what cartridge you are using, but if it's a DJ cart like a Shure 447 or something like that you need to switch to a cart that is designed for sound rather than durability. I like the Ortofon 2M series a lot but here are literally hundreds of carts to choose from all over the $$$ spectrum. Once you have upgraded the wiring and cart spend a lot of time listening while you scour your local Craigslist and thrifts for speakers and amps, there are wild deals out there if you are patient.

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