O-Dub on NPR Reviewing Late Registration

I can't listen to clips on the internet so it was nice to actually hear the songs that were being reviewed. Here is the link for those who missed it.http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4823316
No dis to ODub, but Gawd do I hate NPR!!!! But since I don't have cable, I didn't know I hated Kanye until this, so thanks, I guess.
What???s your beef with NPR? Are you mad because they don't spend 3/4 of their air time discussing missing white girls in the Caribbean?
Seriously, it's not perfect, but as far as broadcast newsmedia, it's about the best you're going to get.
Hope your still making connections, homey
Uh, ok.
Look, NPR might broadcast to the same demographic that reads the NY Times at Starbucks every morning but compared to what your alternatives are, I'll take 'em over anything else out there. When your choices are the juggernaut of right-wing radio and the sometimes dogmatism of Pacifica, NPR fills the middle in quite nicely.
defeatist. bottom line: it still sucks. no matter how much everything else sucks.
best bet is to pool information from multiple sources. best source of news in the am is Washington Journal on C-SPAN.
NPR=USA today read outloud by smarmy fucktards from Chevy Chase.
i do see these points. two things though: 1) i don't believe relative measures of quality 2)the quality and depth in the NYT is 100 times better than anything on NPR.
the same time...i'm glad Oliver is the go-to man these days for hip hop, but too bad they only go to him for shit like Eminem and Kanye (i.e. palatable middle brow pap).
I was on NPR talking about The Roots back when Things Fall Apart came out. It was a cool experience in the sense that I got to talk about hip-hop to an audience that presumably wasn't reading anything I was writing. But they stiffed me when I demanded a lifetime supply of half-caf, double-hot, extra tall, third-soy, whoopty-whoop, rammalammadingdong, give peace a chance organic lattes!
What time does that come on?
then rap changed forever...
8-10 in the east
ps--i'm on record for liking TFA a lot. I also like some Eminem and Kanye, but the fact these are who gets talked about NPR serves my argument.
Well, it sure did in NPRland. Actually, the funny part to that whole thing was that I didn't even like Things Fall Apart. But fortunately, they wanted me to talk more about the phenomenon of The Roots ("a hip-hop band--whaaaaa?") than discuss the merits of the album. Which is good. The last thing I need is a delightfully condescending letter from ?uestlove.
the evidence continues to pile up...
NPR is one of the only good (big) alternative to the remaining 95% bullcrap on the FM. One of the few mainstream sources of long format content - interviews, scene reports, etc. Shits educating - news is only one function, the rest is original content.
In short, they are an ass-tickler for some of the biggest sell-out demographics in the nation. It's not what they cover IT'S WHAT THEY DON'T COVER.
Fuck em. I get all my news from Soulstrut.
Getting good information through contemporary media is like conducting a massive meta-analysis every single day. No wonder why people either tune out or just have some news analyst personality reinforce their own prejudices.
Well, I personally don't f**k with broadcast newsmedia at all--I get my news from the Times--and I agree that relative measures of quality are not the move when comparing two things that are both completely crap. The thing here is that I don't think NPR is completely crap.
You're fixed on the news coverage issue - which is only part of NPR's function. I agree, get yr facts from meta-sources...Indymedia, NYTimes, googlenews, etc. NPR does a good job of educating a BIG demographic on a lot of issues, which are often produced ahead of time because they are long format field pieces - who else does that?
Kanye West (Rock[/b]-A-Fella Records)
It's scary how true this is sometimes.
Im really high, and you guys are confusing the hell out of me.