Found Photos: Vintage Nude Negatives (NSFW)

Last year I found a book of negatives. Probably 200 in all. When I put them up to the sky, I saw naked ladies and weird porn shots that looks like from the early 50s.
Should I bother scanning the rest or is this some dumb shit. I realize this isn't a Vivian Maier type find but I thought it was cool.

Should I bother scanning the rest or is this some dumb shit. I realize this isn't a Vivian Maier type find but I thought it was cool.

They are uncropped scanned negatives.
B/w all super tame and somewhat sweetly innocent but for the enter-the-dragon shot.
That's someones gt-grandma
:ice grill:
I have no idea what the third one is a picture of.
More (amateur) artistic than porn.
Many different models? That should add to value/interest.
You should have seen her face.
there's a popular digging spot in São Paulo that has thousands of records among all kinds of other junk that the owner gets from demolition jobs. Tucked away in one corner is a whole pile of film canisters he got from some old porn theater, I've always been tempted to grab a few. They're mostly trailers for 70s films, seemed like a cool thing to have for some reason.
you are sitting on a small goldmine
post on ebay and get paid handsomely!
Nah, keep the negatives and run prints.
That seems to be a niche market with some demand.
Before or after the party?
B/w we should pick up our coffee table book project again :-)